C18: Truth or Dare?

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Despite the fact that Angela had got into deep trouble on account of her own evil iniquities, she left Ariana alone. Well, for a little while.

Ariana became a close friend of the girls. They found that she was very smart, which was kind of cliché giving the glasses. She was very willing to help her friends with their work.

One night as the six girls walked back to their dormitory (they now all shared one big room with three bunk beds), Zoe came up with the idea of truth or dare, which they could play tonight. As they got ready for bed, they giggled, thinking about what tricks they could play on their friends.

They clambered into their beds, sitting cross legged on them. Zoe grabbed her drink bottle from the sideboard and threw it to Paula.

"Truth or dare?"


"Who do you like?"

Everyone groaned silently. It was a question asked every time.

Paula blushed. "Ok. It's Zack."

The girls squealed excitedly. "Aww you'd be so cute together!"

"Let's put in double dare as well." Lilli said.

"And group dare and group truth!" Hannah said. The rest of the dormitory stared at her, confused looks on their faces.

"If someone says the truth dare thing, and they pick group dare or truth, the dare or truth has to be done by the whole group."

"Oh!" Echoed through the room.

Paula tossed the drink bottle the Hannah. "Ok, Hannah, pick one."

"Group truth."

Paula smirked. "It's payback time, Zo. Who do you like?"

"Well, everyone knows about mine." Said Hannah.

"Not me." Ariana perked up.

"Oh! Sorry, Ari. Do you know Will McKay? Yeah it's him. Now let's go around the circle. Mary?"







"I don't really know anyone here, so... You know."

"That's cool. We're gonna have to do some matching here!"

They giggled and did some more truths and dares. Then they drifted off to sleep.


Angela woke up and yawned. She stretched her arms above her head. She threw the covers over her legs and stood up.

But what a shock she was in. As Angela walked over to the mirror to brush her hair, she screamed.

There was permanent marker all over her face.

A beautiful but rough moustache and beard curled her chin and lips. The facial hair was amazingly done, but not according to Angela.

A scowl pierced her face. By that time, the other two girls had awoken and were cringing at her face.

"Whichever b***h decided to do this," she whispered threateningly, "is gonna pay."


Angela stormed into the classroom, the texta only slightly off. Even the boys had to hide their smiles. Angela strode over to Ariana and stuck her long nailed finger close to her face.

"You! You did this to me. You didn't think that giving me community service was enough, did you? Huh? What was that? Oh, you think you can get away with it, can't you? Now you really deserve that slap. I would slap you again, but you know what, I don't want any more poverty on my hands, bi-"

"Angela, stop. It wasn't Ariana, it was me." Zoe said, her face dead set and serious. "We were playing truth or dare, and Lilli dared me to draw on you face."

Angela turned to face Zoe. "You know, bi-"

"No swearing, Little Miss Perfect." Said Mary.

Angela was taken aback by all this back chatting. She turned to look around the classroom, seeking help. The only help she got was angry looks from her cronies towards the six girls. Even the guys just shrugged and cringed.

"Oh!" Was all Angela managed to say, then she stormed off, shoulder barging the teacher that came in. The teacher tried to call her back, but nothing would work when Angela was in a huff.

"Well that's a referral for her then." The teacher mumbled, but everyone heard.


"I don't mean to pry, Ari, but what did Angela mean when she said 'I don't want any more poverty on my hands'?"

Ariana sighed. "Well I guess you have the right to know my story, seeing as you're such a great friend.
I do actually know Angela. I mean, before this school. I come from a fairly poor family. Mum and Dad recognised my 'smartness' and I earned money for my family by going in competitions and things. However, Angela's family is rich. Her mother and father ran a summer camp for the less fortunate. They aren't as mean and stuck up as their daughter, you know. I went to that camp, and I met Angela. She was such a snob (she still is), and she had no feelings for us 'poor people'. She was so fake, I saw through her. As soon as she realised that I knew that she was a mean person (although she wouldn't admit it), she got me alone and threatened me. So she has continued it here."

"Wow. What a story. Well don't worry about Angela. She's just a stuck up, snobby bully who doesn't give two pinches for anyone except boys. She takes advantage of her friends too."

"Thanks Han. You're a great friend."

"So did you get a scholarship here?"

"Yeah, I did."

"That's actually kinda cool! It shows that you're smart."

Ariana blushed. "Thanks Han."


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