Chapter 13---Part 2

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I woke up and rolled off the bed, nearly falling off but caught myself. I looked around and saw nobody in the room, just me. I saw a rolled up scroll by my bedside and picked it up, reading it.

Dear Audrie,

I understand why you want to leave and I know you'll leave without saying goodbye. I'm sorry for being the worst big/little brother ever. From leaving you at the air temple, to all my bad choices. I hope you have safe travels and succeed as avatar.

Love, Aang

I saw were the paper was wet and crumpled form when he tried to dry it. He was crying. He...He actually thought I was going to leave him? I didn't think he would believe me, who am I kidding? Its Aang we're talking about; he believes everything you tell him unless he can see that you're lieing. He even believes Sokka's sarcasm! Im such a bad empty threats to my gullible brother who will believe everything I say.

I sighed as I got up and put on some clothes that I got as a gift from a merchant and her daughter before the invasion. I slipped them on, which consisted of navy blue pants that went above my waist, a long sleeve shirt that had part of the sleeve connected to my ring finger that was the same shade as the pants, a coat, and some boots. The coat short sleeve and was a shade darker than light blue but a shade lighter than navy blue with another layer of navy blue underneath . White fur lined the bottom of both layers the coat and the hood. The boots were a dark royal blue color and was lined on the inside with fur; also it had a piece of light blue material wrapped around the top of the boot that was connected to a water tribe charm.

I decided to go full water tribe today so I put in a pair of light blue hoop earrings that I bought. most air nation girls had their ears pierced; we sometimes had to wear earrings and stuff for formal things. Even though female air nomads lived separate from the boys, I was an exception, although I still had to go to formal things with the other girls my age.

I braided my hair up and over were I stopped braiding, bunching it up into a baggy ponytail type thing. I tied it with some things I stole from Katara and let it fall over my right shoulder while most of my hair was flowing down my back, untouched; some short strands fell in my eyes as I pushed it behind my ears.

I sighed as I walked out to find my brother and his friends, minus Katara; if she didn't come. I walked through the endless hallways, trying to find my way to the others without using earth bending. I finally gave up and stomped my foot. I quickly brung my palm to my forehead. They were in the room right in front of me.

I opened the door and crept inside as I sat on a cushion. An old hag was mixing the elements in a bowl. "Water!," he pours water into the bowl. "Earth!," he pours in dirt. I hope he realizes that it's just gonna be a bowl of mud. "Fire!," he took a nearby torch and placed it in the bowl. "Air!" He opened a wooden contraption and air gust in. "Four elements together as one!" He finally says as he throws the mud at Aang. I smiled as Aang huffed signaling that he was mad and annoyed. "This is just mud!" The old guy gets a quizzical look on his face as I smirk, knowing what's gonna happen next. " you feel anything?"

Aang raises his finger as his nose twitches. Oh no. He's going to sneeze! I hid behind Sokka as he sneezed, coating everyone but me, in mud. Sokka turned and looked at me. His jaw dropped as his eyes traveled over my clothes. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked down checking my clothes, "Do I have mud on me?" I asked. He hesitantly shook his head as his eyes stared into my grey ones. "Um yes, I mean no! No! You're perfect- I mean- you're fine! Yeah,'re fine...." He stutters out. I chuckle and shake my head realizing why he was staring. "Someone got a crush?" I asked, teasing him. He blushed and swallowed the lump in his throat. "Ew no!" He said as I laughed. Only Sokka. "Only the manliest of men will say 'Ew'." I told him. He rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips. "Why thank you." He said as Fong spoke up. "We have to find a way..."

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