Chapter 10

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/-Aang's POV-/

Master Pakku hit Audrie with a bullet of water. She went into the avatar state. This is the first time I've seen her in the avatar state. Her eyes and tattoos glow. But surprisingly the blue stripe in her side bangs and the blue tips of the end of her hair glow. They don't glow white though... They glow dark blue and violet. She makes a water whip and a fire whip. She attempts to hit Pakku but misses. It's actually scary watching somebody else in the avatar state. She throws a fireball at Pakku and he barely missed it. She throws boulders of rocks (don't ask me where she got the rock from) at him and he barely misses. Then she does something no one can miss. She throws a ball of air at him which causes him to fly back and hit a wall. I run over to Audrie as she collapse to the floor. When I catch her I don't see her I see Avatar Roku. "She is special, Aang. She is stronger than you and she will do anything to protect you from being hurt or scared. She has the spirit of a lion turtle in her. She's aggressive but kind. Tough but sensitive. She's your guardian and the Avatar. Remember this" Avatar Roku said as he disappeared. I looked down in my lap to see Audrie staring at me. She got up and walked over to Pakku. "NOT AGAIN!! We need healers NOW!" She yelled while carrying Pakku. "You knocked out Master Pakku AGAIN?!??" A boy with tan skin and shoulder-length hair asked Audrie. She just smiled sheepishly and said "Its what I pay him as for training me." I chuckled. Everybody turned towards me with a confused expression. "What happened the first time?" I asked nobody in particular. "Tell 'em." Audrie said while walking away.

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