Chaptet 4

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"Hi Hakodan and Karta. This is Audrie, she is the Avatar and sister to Avatar Aang. Audrie this is Hakodan and Karta." Yue said as she introduced me to a boy and a girl around our age. I held out my hand for them to shake. "Hi, nice to meet you." I said. Hakodan had dark brown hair that wAs cut to his shoulders, tan skin, and blue eyes. While Karta had wavy dark brown hair that was to her hips, tan skin, and electric blue eyes. "Nice to meet you too." They said in unison. I chuckled. "Wanna hangout?" I asked

Awhile later I returned home. I found Master Pakku awaiting in front of my home. "Hello Master Pakku." I said. "Hello, your training starts at dawn. Don't be late." He said like he didn't wanna be here. "Okay, whatever." I said with a please-leave-soon-or-I'll-cause-harm-to-you look on my face. He turned and left.
The next morning
I jumped outta bed and ran to put on the new clothes Yue gave me. There was a light blue coat with deep blue and white patterns on it. It had a fur lined hood and bottom. I also had navy blue leggings and boots that had fur inside of them. I put them on and ran to Pakku's training area.

When I got there only Pakku and another boy around my age was there. He stared at me weirdly. "What?" I asked him. "Nothing, it's just Pakku doesn't train girls and your offense." the boy awkwardly said. "Well for one, I'm Audrie. And I happen to be the avatar so... Yeah." I said smoothly.
"Oh ok. My name is Haruk. Nice to meet you." Haruk said. "Likewise" I said back. I turned and saw Hakodan. "Hey Hakodan!" I yelled while running to him. Soon all the boys where here.
"Hello class, this is Audrie. She is the avatar and she will be training with you. Treat her with the same respect you treat others." Master Pakku said surprising me. I did a slight wave and walked over to where the boys stood. By the end of the day I was on the advanced set. I defeated every boy in my class.

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