Eli looked through it quickly. 

...bid him goodnight...went to bed...woke up at 5....saw he wasn't in bed...found him dead.... 

Eli cast Linda a sympathetic look. 

"Ms Crowle, could you repeat your statement?" 

Linda looked up at him with teary eyes. "Why?" 

"So we can clarify if there's anything you may have missed out," Eli said. 

As Linda began to repeat her statement, Eli observed her closely for any signs of hesitation or nervousness that he normally found in criminals who turned out to be victims with fake statements. 

Linda was just as much of a suspect as anyone, but Eli knew he had to be careful. He had faced many a case before where the wives were responsible for the deaths of their husbands. 

"Last night, Kevin came home at 9:00 as always. I microwaved his dinner and when he was finished eating, he went to his office. I came in after my shower to say goodnight and I I kissed him goodnight and I - I went to my room my room and - I went to bed " 

It was getting pretty hard to hear Linda now because she kept sobbing and sniffing and stumbling over her words. But she didn't show any signs of nervousness, she merely seemed distraught. 

"I woke up around 5:00 and couldn't go back to sleep. I realised Kevin wasn't in the bed with me soo I went to check on him in his office and found - found him - d - d - d -" 

Rhonda put a hand hurriedly on Linda's shoulder. 

"You don't have to continue. Ok? Don't continue with that." 

Linda nodded through her tears. 

"Did your husband have any enemies? Anyone who might have wanted him dead?" 

Linda shrugged. 

"Kevin never told me about any enemies. I assumed he must have had some enemies but I have no idea who. He was just an ordinary guy who went working on weekdays and spending time with his family on the weekends. He's not the type to go out and socialise much more." 

Eli nodded encouragingly. 

"Ok, next question. Do you know of anyone called the Homewrecker?" 

Linda shook her head. 

"Do you know of anyone who could get into your house?" 

Linda shook her head again. 

Rhonda poked Eli lightly. "I think that's enough. We won't be able to get anything else out of her." 

Eli nodded. "Thank you, Ms Crowle, for your time." 

Linda howled even more when Eli called her Ms Crowle and Eli kicked himself inwardly for his insensitivity. 

Rhonda whispered in his ear. "Kevin Crowle had two children. A little boy, aged 10, who was sleeping over at a friend's house last night. And a girl, aged 18, living in her college dorm. Both have been notified of their father's death. They're coming home right now." 

As Eli and Rhonda moved downstairs, someone came rushing in through the door. 

"Hold up, are you two Kevin Crowle's children?" Eli asked, holding out his hands. 

The girl was tall and slender, sharing Kevin's blonde hair and Linda's nose and eyes. 

"Yes, detectives. My name is Lisa Crowle, and this is my brother, Bryan." Lisa said. 

Bryan peeked his head out from behind Lisa. He was short, with black hair and sad eyes, looking just like an average kid from middle school. 

"Alright, well, do you mind if we ask you questions first? Then you can go be with your mother." Eli asked. 

"Sure, go ahead." Lisa said. She seemed very mature and rational, which struck Eli as odd. 

"Okay, Lisa. Do you know of any enemies your dad might have had?" Rhonda asked. 

"No." Lisa said simply. 

"Do you know of anyone called the Homewrecker?" 

"No clue who he is." 

"Has your father acted weird to you in any way?" 


Rhonda gave Eli a puzzled look. "No leads at all?" 

Eli shrugged and turned back to Lisa. "Very well, if I may speak to Bryan?" 

"Go ahead." Lisa said. She pushed Bryan towards Eli and ran up the stairs to her mother. 

"Bryan, we're just going to ask you some questions, ok?" Eli said kindly. 

"Why? No one will believe me," Bryan said. 

He flung his hands in an arc and looked down sadly. 

Eli raised an eyebrow. "Yes, we will, Bryan. Just co-operate with us, ok?" 

Bryan nodded, but kept his eyes downcast. 

"Do you know anyone who might want to harm your daddy?" 


Eli shot Rhonda a confused look. "What do you mean, you?" 

Bryan looked up. "My daddy is mean to me. He doesn't trust me." 

"So you want to harm him?" Rhonda asked. 

Bryan shrugged. "I wouldn't be able to. He's too big and strong." 

Eli watched as Bryan rubbed his shoulder slightly. Something was ticking in Eli's brain and he caught Bryan's hand. 

"What's wrong with your shoulder?" Eli asked. 

He pulled the hem of Bryan's collar down slightly to see a small red wound. 

"Did you father do that to you?" Eli asked, dumbstruck. 

"Only when I'm naughty. Like I said, no one will believe what I say. He never does," Bryan said pitifully. 

Rhonda tapped Eli's shoulder, beckoning him to the corner. 

"Just a moment, Bryan." 

Eli hurriedly went a little distance away from Bryan. "What, Rhonda?" 

Rhonda crossed her arms. "What do you think you're doing?" 

Eli furrowed his brow. "What?" 

"You're interrogating that child! Do you really think Bryan would be capable of killing Bryan? So what if Kevin used to abuse Bryan? It's not related to the case!" Rhonda protested. 

"Finish up with Bryan quickly so we can go, we have to go speak with Kevin's boss to find out more about his enemies and hopefully potential murderer." 

Eli rolled his eyes. "Fine, wait for me in the Sedan. I'll finish up quickly with Bryan." 

As Rhonda left the house, Eli went back to Bryan quickly. 

"One last question. Did anything seem odd about your daddy? Did he hide anything from you or seem to look guilty? Anything at all?" 

Bryan shook his head. "Nothing. Nothing at all."

Don't Scream (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon