ı 03 ı Unwanted Friends

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"I'm bullet proof, nothing to lose"

EVERYTHING AROUND ME seemed to be happening in slow motion. The screams, panic, gunfire, and grunts as people erupted in fist fights was rather overwhelming, especially for me considering I have been awake for less than ten minutes.

Since Pearl and Anna abandoned me, I find myself standing behind a tree, careful to stay out of the way of gunfire. The last thing I need is to be killed after just entering the world again. I had myself fooled that I was in fact dead, and now that I know that I'm not, I'm going to do everything in my power to keep it that way.

I watch while hidden as all the other tomb vampires fight against the council. Part of me feels guilty for not helping fight against the council, as there's still a burning hatred I feel in my stomach for what they did. However, I have never actually killed anyone, and I don't feel like starting today.

I find myself in quite the pickle, not able to move out of fear I'd be hit by a flying bullet. I can't remember what Handsome Face had told me, but I recall that vampires can't quite die from bullets, unless they were wooden bullets to the heart.

Out of options and tired of standing in one spot as the night flew by, I turn the corner out of the protection of the tree into the raging war. With a running stand, I fly by not even thinking about how to use my vampire speed; I just ran as fast as I could. There's a sick feeling of peace as I run, my mind clear of thoughts. This is the first time in forever I don't think at all.

I actually believe I'm going to make it out of this situation without a scratch. That is until I feel a burning pain in my right leg sending me falling to the ground.

I growl, clutching my leg in pain as blood oozes from the bullet wound. I hiss through gritted teeth as I dig my fingers into the bloodied hole, searching for the bullet. Just when I feel like I might pass out from the searing hot pain, I pull out a small wooden bullet. That explains why it hurt so much.

After I remove the bullet, I watch as the healing process begins. However, it appears to take longer than I thought it would, presumably because of the lack of blood in my system. To use my vampire perks to the fullest, I need to be stronger; I need more blood.

I ease up onto my feet, glancing back at the fight going on. I watch with horrid eyes as tomb vampires lunge at the council members, ripping their throats out and devouring their blood. The sight is sickening, and I want no part of it. That is until a familiar smell makes it's way to my nose.


With a gulp to flush down my nerves, I push away my uncertainty as I eye a council man in the distant, pulling a stake from a vampire's heart.

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