Imagine #15

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Imagine finding out your pregnant and telling Damon. Part 2 of pregnancy imagines
Make sure to read part 1!

You looked down at the white stick you were holding with two blue lines across the top.
"Y/n?" Bonnie peeks her head around the door way.
"Can we come in?" Caroline asks
You nod and Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie walk into the bathroom.
"I'm pregnant." You say confirming them.
They all look at you with concern.
"But how?" Elena asks
"Damon consumes vervain, making him able to procreate." Bonnie answers
"And werewolves can anyway." You add
"Are you going to tell him?" Caroline asks.
"Yes soon, i will. Caroline, Elena can you hear it?" You ask
They both push there hair away from there ear and close the eyes, focusing.
Caroline opens her eyes with tears brimming. She nods.
"There's a heart beat and its too frail to be yours."
You smile looking down at your stomach.
"Alright am going to go do some research, see how fast it will grow and stuff like that. I'll be back with some answers." Bonnie says packing her books in her bag and putting it over her shoulder.
"Me and Caroline are going to call klaus and/or Hailey." Elena says.
"Maybe they can help." Caroline says pulling Elena out of the bathroom.
You stand up and walk out of the bathroom. You put on your coat and get your journal. You step out of the boarding house. Taking in the fall air. You walk into the woods and watch the
Leaves float down from the trees. There's a tree you always sit under and write. You plop down at the base of the tree and pull your journal and pen out.
Before any of this when I was human, unaware of the curse, I thought I would go to college and meet the love of my life. Have a bunch of kids and live in the suburbs. But instead I triggered the curse and fell in love with a vampire. I realized I would never get the life I wanted. Now as I find out in with child I'm ready. I'm ready to welcome a baby into this world even if it's crazy. I know Damon will take care of our baby.
Your pulled out of your thoughts by your phone buzzing.
Bonnie: all meet at my house I think we got something.
You pull yourself of the ground start walking towards Bonnie's. You pass the boarding house and see Damon pull into the drive.
"Hey babe." He says
"Hey. Can we go to Bonnie's?"
"Yeah you want me to go?"
"Can you?"
"Of course"
The two of you get in his car and pull out of the long drive way.
"Everything okay?" He asks rubbing his hand on your thigh. You reply with a nod and continue to look out the window. You finally pull up to Bonnie's and your heart begins to be beat fast. Damon gets out of the car and come opens your door. You smile and take your hand in his.

You open the door and walk into the house that smells of sage and other spices.
"Bon Bon" Damon yells
Bonnie walks around a corner.
"Oh Damon I didn't know you were coming." She says looking at you.
"I decided to tag along with y/n." He says smirking, thinking his such a great boyfriend.
"Hey Bonnie, I'm going to take a walk in the garden with dam. We'll be back in a sec." You say and she nods.
You pull Damon outsiders the fall day.
You walk through on the paved path.
"You ok?" He asks looking down at you.
"It all depends on how you react." You say kicking rocks at the ground.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He says concerned.
You sit down on a bench and he joins you.
"I'm pregnant." You say, waiting for his response.
"Funny, y/n. Come on let's go inside." He gets up and offers his hand.
"No Damon I'm not lying. That's why I brought you here."
"What are you talking about? I'm a vampire."
"Listen just listen!"
"I'm listening to you but it's not making sense!" He gestures with his hand.
"Not to me Damon. The baby."
"What the hell y/n. Are you still sick."
You roll your eyes and grab him on the arm, dragging him into the house.
You put him in a chair at the table were Bonnie and Caroline are sitting with papers in front of him.
"I told him but explain to him."
"Damon you are going to be a daddy." Caroline says like he's stupid.
"Yall are all sick I swear!" He throws his hands in the air.
"GOD DAMMIT JUST FUCKING LISTEN!" You scream pulling his head to your stomach.
He pulls his head away, his eyes wide and he's shaking.
"You consume vervain, it's got your sperm moving again." Bonnie explains showing her grimoire.
He studies the pages in front of him.
"Oh my god y/n." He spins out of the chair and holds you.
"Babe I'm sorry I didn't listen." He says swaying you back and forth.
"It's fine" you giggle. He pulls his head back and kisses you.
"Aww" you both hear and look bake at your friends.
"Wait how will it work?" He asks
"Well I talked to hailey and klaus and they said she was pregnant for three months rather then nine. And they already broke the curse so everything will be fine!" She claps her hands happily.
"What will the baby be?"
"Kinda like a hybrid."  Caroline answers.
He turns to you and smiles
"We're going to be parents."
You bite your lip and jump into his arms.  "Okay"

AHHH look out for part 3! Sorry for bad updates this week. School is killing me!!! Anyways I'll have some more if ares soon! Xoxo

Damon Salvatore Imagines & Preferences:)Where stories live. Discover now