"Well she likes you," Liam pointed out.

Holden pulled a face, "Yuck! She wears pink coloured piggy tails and does funny things to her school clothes."

"That's not very nice to say," Niall frowned some. "She's probably just very... Creative and expressive. It's not okay to dislike someone because they're slightly different than everyone else."

"But she eats peanut butter and cheese sandwiches at lunch time," he added quickly, defending his own case.

Liam couldn't help but laugh, "Babe girls are weird, trust me. Why do you think I married your daddy instead of some bird."

He shrugged, "Because he didn't have poo eyes?"

"Close but no," he smiled.

"Why did you marry me," Niall blurted his thoughts, turning red in the cheeks when he realized he'd said it aloud.

Liam looked at him, unsure of how exactly he was meant to answer the question. "We were young, I'd gotten you pregnant and it felt like love at the time."

He blinked a few times, soaking in his words. "Excuse me," Niall got up from the table and went upstairs.

Not wanting to allow Holden to see him cry over Liam's words because he wouldn't understand, but Niall did.

Liam just admitted to marrying Niall on a whim and an emotion that was supposedly only temporary which contradicts everything Liam's ever told him about their marriage.

He sat upstairs awhile, still being able to hear Holden and Liam talk as they finished up their breakfast. Niall pulled out his phone, noticing he'd missed a text from an hour ago.

^ a bit of a cliché but do you want to go to a pumpkin patch this afternoon? I've got Lux for the day (:

Niall took a breath, and began typing out his response.

^ I'd love to, I'll bring Holden. Give me an address and we'll meet you guys at 1 o'clock?

^ we'll be there, look for the tiny pumpkin human and the obnoxiously tall bloke holding two coffees.

Niall laughed, shaking his head because God only knows what he'll actually see once he gets there.


Sure enough when Niall arrived at the farm address, he spotted a small girl dressed as a pumpkin and Harry standing beside the twirling pumpkin with a styrofoam cup in either hand.

He got out and opened Holden's door, grabbing onto his hand and led him towards the awaiting pair.

"Hi Holden," Lux frantically waved the moment she laid eyes on the young boy.

Holden blushed like crazy, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth as he attempted to hide his grin and politely waved back. "Hello."

Niall smiled, picking up on Holden's shyness and Lux's enthusiasm. Deciding that maybe Liam was right after all, Lux had a crush on Holden and Holden was simply bashful of the overall concept.

"You both made it," Harry announced with a wide grin, handing over one of the warm cups.

He smelled the pumpkin spice, taking a small sip and nodded. "And we didn't even get lost, it's a miracle."

"Did better than Lux and I, we got lost 10 minutes from my flat. I was so turned around I actually had to stop and get proper directions," he laughed.

"Bet you're nice and cozy warm in that pumpkin suit," Niall commented to the young girl.

She nodded quickly, "But not too hot. Warm like - like bath water, yeah."

He laughed, "Well that's good."

"Do you want a pumpkin suit?" Lux turned to Holden and pointed towards the small gift shop where she'd gotten hers, wide-eyed and eager to interact with him.

Holden shrugged, blushing again. "Can I get one too daddy?"

"Um," he hummed as he looked around and noticed that most of the younger kids were wearing the pumpkin suits. "Sure, why not."

Lux bounced around clapping her hands, "I'll show you, c'mon." She grabbed Holden's hand, tugging him along.

Harry and Niall laughed, walking behind the two kids.

"So..." He murmured.

Niall looked towards him, smiling. "So..."

Harry laughed, "How've you been? Haven't seen you in 3 weeks almost, what's new?"

"Not a whole lot," he casually shrugged. "My husband and I - ah," Niall paused and shook his head. "I'm thinking about going to school, university."

"Oh yeah," Harry raised an eyebrow. "For what?"

"An ultrasound technician, maybe. I'm not really sure yet but it's an idea."

"No that's cool, good for you." He agreed quickly, "Do whatever makes you happy. You're married so it's not like you don't have someone to watch Holden when you're at school."

Niall briefly frowned at the thought of being away from Holden for extended periods and leaving him alone with Liam.

"Yeah, hadn't even thought of that actually." He murmured.

"Daddy can I get this one?" Holden appeared with a pumpkin suit, holding it up.

Niall smiled, nodding his head and looked for the check out. "Yeah, let's go pay for it and then you can put it on. You and Lux can be pumpkins for the day."

He nodded, "Can I do it?"

"Yes you can," he handed him the money, following him to the register and helped him along.

Holden cupped the change in his hands, "Here daddy, this is yours."

"Do you want me to help you get your suit on," Harry questioned. "Getting your head through the hole is the hardest, Lux was nearly a headless pumpkin."

He giggled, "Yeah, I don't wanna have no head."

Niall stepped aside, watching as Harry helped Holden into the suit. Laughing when Harry pretended Holden's arms were lost and then suddenly they popped out of either side, making both kids squeal in laughter.

"Now that you've both transformed into pumpkins," Harry announced. "Let's go catch us a hayride to the pumpkin patch, pick us some big ones and then stuff our faces with candy apples and cider. Sound like a plan?"

"Yeah!" Both Lux and Holden cheered, going into a fit of laughter as Harry scooped them both up in either arm and carried them towards the hayride line.

"You coming, Niall." Harry called back over his shoulder.

He smiled, nodding his head and followed after them. Surprised Holden was taking to Harry so easily and shocked he wasn't feeling guilty for not fully telling Liam where exactly they were going for the afternoon, because Holden deserves some happiness.

Especially after what he's been through lately, himself included.

{ A\N: I feel like so much happens in each chapter but I kinda like it that way, like it's developing the story so much quicker in a way. I'm rambling, sorry.

Million dollar question, do you think Liam even loves Niall at all? Or is it more about his control over Niall that he loves/cares about most?

Any and all feedback is much appreciated!! }

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