
668 18 2

I have a theory how Italian was made.

In the beginning N.- and S. Italy spoke Latin and we all know that Romano is the eldest of the 2. We also know that Romano lived with Antonio. So, When Spain tried to teach Romano Spanish, Romano made the words a little different because he thought that he would show affection towards Spain if he spoke spanish.

The words changed in the beginning just a little bit, like from 'gracias' to ' grazie '. The older he became, the more the words changed more, like from 'buen dia' to '
buongiorno'. And every time Romano saw his little bro he teached him the word he came up with.

And so was the language born.

Me:Bammm, how was that? You: *glares evilly at me* Me: I'm sorry that it isn't a cannon plzzzz for give me. You: hmph * walks away* Me: NOOOOO COME BACK!!!!!! You:*still walking away* Me: *goes to emo-corner*

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Byeee see ya

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