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I wake to a start and Andrew grabs my shoulder, to keep me from flying off the table. My breathing is heavy and I can feel my heart racing. I look around and everyone is just sitting and talking to each other. I see Zacks body covered by a blanket to my right. I hang my head in sadness. I had forgotten that had happened. I look to Andrew who is still holding my shoulder. He puts his head down and I hop off the bed. I walk around and they all seem down and I'm confused why. We stopped the war.

"What's going on?" I ask and Peter looks at me.

"Everyone's gone." He says and I give him a confused look. He drops his head and I look at the door and listen. I don't hear the typical traffic. I walk over to the door and swing it open. No cars. No people. Everyone just disappeared.

I step back and run into Dan who had followed me out here with everyone else. I look at them confused and then the screech returns to hurt us more. I grab my ears and we all scream in pain. I look at the ground in pain. I shoot up hoping the shake would make it better, but nothing changes. I start to shake and sweat and look towards the pier. A column of fire is shooting up into the sky. I hold my ears and stare at the fire it goes away and so does the noise. I release a loud breath like I just came out of water. I am breathing heavily. And I clench my fist and a light pole goes into a near by building.

I turn to them and they look at me just as confused as I am. Dan is already turned into a Dragon, only this time he looks different. He was standing with four heads and two heads His back is to us and I can see the large teeth in their mouths. It turns to us and I can see red in his eyes. He has changed into a hydra. Andrew was shocked by this, like he had seen it before. I hold my bat and Andrew grabs it and changes into a sword. I hold it and its the same weight as the bat and same way to swing it. I hold my blade, ready to fight the monster. Until I feel a blade to my neck. I look and see Andrew now has the red eyes too. Its spreading.

I turn so the point of his blade is now on my neck. I look at everyone and it slowly spreads except for Peter. He stays the same. I give him a look and his hand turns into an legal claw and he nods his head to me. I nod back.

"Andrew this isn't you." I say and I notice the sun set now.

"You are a disease. You need to be eradicated." all of them say in unison. I look at Peter who looks scared by this. He holds out his hands and I nod. He charges Andrew and tackles him to the ground. Peter shoots off of him immediately and runs towards me. While he does his arms turn into wings and his feet into tallons. He turned into a giant eagle. I run in front off him and I hear him take off right behind me and he grabs me and slings me so I can ride his back. I hold out my sword and we charge the hydra. We fly through the two head and I chop on off but the other wouldn't be cut by the blade. We fly high and look at the beast fall to the ground in pain.

The stump of the decapitated head starts to shake and it splits almost like a single cell organism. Two more heads take the place of the last one. I look at the monster and it roars at us. Peter bucks up and then dive bombs the monster. We swoop through over and over cutting off the heads in till maybe ten are now there. Peter swwoos down but not low enough for me to cut. He grabs the beast and throws him into a building. We stare into the hole from the monster and I can't see anything due to the smoke. We wait and we still don't see anything. I start to see a red glow and fire spews from the building. At the same time a knife flys past my head and I know Andrew threw it.

I see the dragon emerge from the large hole and hang from the ledge of the building . It roars at us and I yell back. We charge and fly into the building past him. I try to hit him but miss. We fly through the building, in and out avoiding walls. We find a large room and fly into it and head for the other window. Dan shoots fire and we weave to dodge the oncoming attack. Peter shoots through the glass and into a building still being constructed. I look back and slide off Peters back and slide under Dan. As I do so I stab the blade into his body and drag it through him. He roars in pain and fall off the building.

I skid towards the edge and I almost fly off.I stab the sword through the floor and hang off the edge. I breath heavy at the sight of how high up I am. I hear Peter squak to my right and I drop. I fall and land on his back. He fits and we go over the others who have now started to shoot at us. We weave through the bullets and land in the middle of them, back to back fighting back. Friends fighting friends. The old age fighting the new. I grab my gun and shoot at them but Andrew hits every bullet with his sword. I shoot Peter a look and he grabs me and takes off into the air.

"There!" I yell towards the area I saw the fire column come from. I see where we are headed and I realize it's were my mother died. We swoop in and I hide behind the door way. I hear them get here immediately due to Paul. I hold my gun in my hand and Andrew walks in. I put it up and shoot him in the side of his head. He falls to the ground. My head starts to hurt where I had shot him I shoot then rest of them and I start to collapse from the pain.

Then, I remember what had happened. I stand up thanks to Peter and hold the gun up to him. He looks at me with shock and fear. I cock the gun and he starts to sweat.

"Why?" he says and I keep my straight face.

"I'm saving us." I say and shoot him in the forehead. I put the gun to my head and look at all of their lifeless bodies. I notice that this is the exact spot I almost committed suicide if Cameron didn't save me. I hold the gun to the side of my head a tear escapes my eyes. "Please don't be wrong." I say to myself and pull the trigger and wake up in the warehouse.

Legacy: Razor Series (4)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя