Not An Ideal Reunion

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We all stare at them in surprise. I can't believe Dan is Peter's father, or, at least that what we all think. Peter looks at him confused. His mom always told him that his dad left them when he was young and didn't come back. I could see the tears in his eyes. He looked at him almost confused and hurt. His face started to look like disgust.

"How could you?" Peter says to Dan and walks off. Dan looks at him with shock and pain. His tears grow more and more as Peter walked in the opposite direction. I heard The doors open and I could see him walk out. I felt bad for Dan. His only son wanting nothing to to do with him. I run over to the door. I open it and look for Peter. I turn in both directions and find him sitting next to the door crying. I sit next to him. His face buried in his knees. I put my hand on his back and pat it. He looks up, expecting Dan. His eyes were hateful, but when he saw me, they changed to sadness.

"Hey." I say to him and he chuckles a bit. He looks up at me and I can see the playfulness in his eyes.

"Hey." He says, sarcastically. He has a fake half smile on his face. He looks at the floor.

"I think you should give him a chance." I say to him and he looks at me with the anger he gave Dan.

"Why the hell should I do that? He left us! For fourteen years!" He yells and his eyes almost are red from the hate.

"I know, you told me. But, but did you see his face when he saw you? That wasn't the 'you found me' look, that was 'I finally found him. I don't think he left you." I say and he looks at me confused. "I'm not saying forgive him completely, but at least give him a chance." I say and he nods. He wipes his eyes and holds out his fist. I give him a confused look.

"Come on man, don't leave me hanging." He says to me and I bump his fist with mine. We laugh and I stand up. I help him up and we walk back into the room. I can see Dan, holding his head and crying, at the computer center. Peter walks over to him and stands over him. Dan doesn't notice him till he speaks. "So," He says and Dan looks up wiping his eyes quickly when he sees who it is. "You were the dragon?" He says to him and Dan has a proud smile. 

"Ya, I am." He says and Peter acts annoyed.

"What the hell! Why can't I ever get a cool animal like that." He says and Dan laughs. Peter sits down next to his father and they start to talk. I walk over to Andrew who was at their make shift target range. He threw the knife as it came out of his hand, hitting the center every time. I look at the hits with surprise.

"Damn." I say behind him. He turns around smiling. " I could never do that." I say and he laughs.

"Oh come on, its just practice." He says and this time I laugh. 

"Oh ya coming from the guy who can make a sword appear from his body. All I can do is make shit float." I say, looking down disappointed with myself. He comes over and hands me a huge sword. I try to pick it up, but it falls to the floor. I try to lift it again, but it's no use.

"Use your power." Andrew says to me watching. I clench the sword as hard as I can and start to lift. This time it comes off the ground and I can even swing it around. "Good. Now," He says shooting out another blade, "Fight me." He holds up his blade and I look at him like he is insane. I hold my sword up, not really ready for this fight. I make it so its easier to hold and get ready to fight Andrew. He charges and I stop his blade from hitting me and swing mine in front of his. We continue this for a while. I eventually strike back and hit his blade. He looks at me impressed. I decide to try something.

I hit his blade and kick him back. I hold out my hand while his blade was on the ground. He tries to lift it up but is unable to. He tries and and tries, but he still can't. I look at him and he looks me with a half smile. He walks over and shakes my hand.

"Now that, is how you use a power." He says and I shake back. I look around and everyone is good. Peter just found his father and I now am learning about my power. Just for that moment everything was good. But that moment was short lived, when the wall to my left exploded.

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