Prologue: Surpression

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One year ago

I burst into the court house, furious. I push past the people who try to stop me. Some look and see who I am and decide not to try further. I charge my way in the direction of the court room. The rain from my jacket drips on the marvel floor and my shoes squeak. I kick open the door, causing a scene.

"What the hell are you thinking?!" I yell up at the meeting, I wasn't invited to, taking place. They look down at me in confusion.

"Who are you and what are you doing in our court?" the man in the middle says. He is old, but not old enough to where he loses common scense.

"My name is Andrew Pike and I am The Razor. Now you saying that all Metas are a danger is insane!" I yell up to them. When they recognize the name and title they look at me in fear. "Now that you say we need to go back into hiding! You are no worse than John Kelly!" I yell and they look at me like I shit on the pedistal.

"How dare you? We are only saying that, to prevent what happened last time, we want all Metas not to be in the public eye." he says and almost immediately I slam my hand to the pedestal.

"That is bull shit! By pushing us away, making us out cast, you are almost asking for them to rebel and strike back!" I yell back and he returns with the same rage.

"You have no say in this matter Mr.Pike." he says.

"But I swore to protect the world, humans and Metas alike. You threaten this peace. We haven't had an attack or incident in a year. You are about to harm that peace and send this world into turmoil." I say and he still looks at me like I'm and idiotic child. I want to get up there and punch him.

"Are you threatening us Mr.Pike?" he asks me and I hide a knife in my jacket.

"If protecting this world is a threat, then yes I am." I say and start to walk away. I stop and turn back to him. "And be warned," I say and throw a knife right next to his head, sticking into the wall. "Next time I won't miss." I say and walk out of the room. I keep walking, out the court house and into the rain. I am sure this won't go well, and it will be his fault.

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