Grief to Anger

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I look at them all, tears streaming down my face. I don't understand. Did I die? Is this what death is living the end over and over? I feel somthing hot on the left side of my head and turn in that direction. The bullet was suspended in mid air, headed straight for my head. I see purple-ish static smoke around the bullet. I look and see Cameron holding out her hand and starting to sweat at the g-force she is holding back. I turn back to them all.

"Let it go." I say staring into Peters eyes.

"No." Andrew yells and I start to cry harder.

"Shoot it!" I yell and he yells the same answer I hold the gun back to my head but I am knocked back by George who knocks the gun out of my hand and pulls me away from the bullets path. Cameron lets go and the bullet flys away. I yell and punch George. I run and pick up the gun and cock it back again and aim it back at my head. I pull the trigger but all I hear is a click. The keep shooting, but the gun is out of bullets. I collapse and scream up into the air, spit escaping my mouth as I cry. I look down and see my mothers lifeless eyes in front of me.

They all walk over and kneel down to my level. Peter comes right up to me and hugs me. I cry into his shoulder and mourn my mothers death. I cry for what feels like hours, but I know its only been seconds. I stop crying and sit there. Peter pulls back and they all look at me. I stare at her body. I let this happen. This is my fault. I let her die.

I stand up and start to walk towards the door. They start to follow and I walk out the door. I walk straight into the traffic of San Francisco. The cars stop and honk at me. I stand in the middle of the street. I scream and all the cars near me go flying. I stand there, holding a field of no gravity around men. Pieces of the ground float around me. I drop it, and as I do, several helicopters show up and so do about three trucks full of armed men.

They get out and start to circle me. I hold me bat in my right hand, ready to fight. There must have been about thirty men circling me. I spin around looking at all of them, furry in my eyes. I feel someone show up behind me and see that its Andrew. He has his blades ready to fight. I hold out my bat and we stop spinning. We both charge opposite ways.

Andrew runs but I just jump to scare them. I hold out my hand and they start to shoot. The bullets never reach me. They he pushed away from me by my shifting hand. I turn my hand so my palm is facing me, and pull the men forward. I swing the bar and take Then all out as I do. The ones I don't take down drop the guns and pull out knives. I charge them and knock them out with the large metal bat. I made the gravity on the bat heavier to cause more damage.

I take out at least five more men, until one of them shoots my leg. I yell in pain and kneel down. He points the gun at me. I stare down the barrel of his gun. I start to sweat. He pulls the trigger and the bullet goes flying. As he does, a sword stabs into the ground right in front of my face, splitting the bullet before it could cause me harm. I see a small knife stab into the mans chest and Andrew helps me stand up. He puts my arm over his shoulder and I make his knives fly farther and harder as he helps me walk away. We were taking them out quickly but right as we thought we were done, more men showed up. Doubled the last amount.

He gets ready to fight but I motion for him to stop. I take my arm back and balance on my good leg. I hold up my arms and smile. My bat is still in right hand. They hold their guns up to me, aiming for my face. They start to tussle amongst themselves.

"Put it down!" on of the guards. Yells at me and I chuckle.

"Wrong move." I say to them giving them an evil glare. I open up my hand and drop the bat. As I do, I shoot out a wave of gravity shift that sends them flying. Andrew grabs me and yells out for Paul. He shows up and grabs us. But he is too late. As he grabs us we all get hit by electric stun bullets. We scream out in pain and fall to the ground. My wound bleeds onto the ground. Andrew uses all his strength and grabs my foot. Metal shoots up my leg to the wound and covers it, stopping the bleeding. He passes out after the deed is done. Armed men come over and drag us to the trucks. I see them grab my mothers body out from the warehouse. My eyes start to water as they shut.

I wake up to a dark lite room, strapped to a cold table. I see my bat on a table next to me and I yell out, shock just now kicking in. I scream and the table start to float and anything in the room starts to fly everywhere. I just feel a sharp pain in my leg and look to see that they ripped the metal bandage off of my leg and made the wound worse. I drop back down to the ground and look around the room. I can see fire burns and claw marks on the walls. What the hell happened here?

I look down at my bonds and I decide to try something. I make the gravity stranger and going the opposite at the same time and I drag the belt like bond off my right arm. I free that and and undo the left one and my feet. I grab my bat and try to open the door. Its locked. I stand where the door would swing in from and stay hidden. I'm right under the camera so they now can't see me. I hear someone in front of my door and open it. They walk in and I hit them with my bat.

"Got damn it!" I hear the man yell but it sounded familiar. It was Dan.

"What the hell is going on?" I say and he looks at me surprised and a bit angry.

"I just got here to bust you out. Lets go." he says, grabbing me and and changing into the dragon, not letting me say anything else. We get through a hall way and bust through a door to the streets of San Francisco. I hop on to his back and we fly back to the base. I look at my leg from the pain. My vision starts to go blurry and I fall of Dans back, heading straight towards the ground.

Legacy: Razor Series (4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora