No is. because I see his falling figure as the roof collapsed on itself.

"No!!! Jace!!" I scream, Kyle see's it too and let go of me.

I watch as the part of the roof where he was on, lands on the metal grate of a second floor. I quickly run to get to the stairs, stepping over all the debre in the way. My heart raced faster with every step I went up, I just replaying what happened, the image of Jace falling was horrifying and it kept replaying over and over. I was about halfway up the stairs when suddenly I got pulled out of my thoughts by creaking and groaning.

"Kat!! Look out!" I heard Kyle shout, just then I look up and see another piece of roof falling.

My eyes widened and I quickly jump forwards about 5 steps and cover my head with my arms, to try and protect me from any falling debris. I heard a loud crash and I got jolted forwards, and felt the grate beneath me as it starts to rumble and bend underneath my feet. suddenly im grabbing at the stair case as the stairs snap and tear away to keep myself from falling. as it quits rumbeling, i look back to see that more roof had fallen and had almost crushed me.

And now I have to find another way down.

i shook my head and re-focused, getting my mind off of the mess now behind me and focussing on trying to get to Jace. i pushed myself to my feet and as fast as i could, made my way the rest of the way up the shaky and rattling stairs. i was almost to the top when all of a sudden more roof fell in front of me. i squatted down really fast and covered my head to keep the smaller debris from hitting me.

I stood mack up once the dusty roof pieces were cleared from my vision and I was able to see what was in front of me. I started running across the catwalk as fast as I could, still calling out jace's name to see if I could get a response.

but that didn't happen, and right when i was 10 feet away from him, i caught myself and stopped dead in my tracks. where that last piece of roof had fallen, had taken out the part of the catwalk i needed to get to jace, and had left a 10 foot gap in between. and fire was catching on all the crates from the roofing that just fell, and hat wasn't good at all, they have guns- amo- and even some TNT in there.

I stopped and examined the gap, then looked back to jace, he looked dead. He wasn't moving. 

"Jace!" I screamed out again, as I watched for a reaction. A smile lit my face as I finally saw him twitch and heard a faint sound of a cough. But other than that, he wasn't moving, and I had to help him.

I stepped back a good 15 feet, then took a breath, then with all my might-i ran and leaped as far as i could over the gap. as i was mid air, i knew, i felt, that I wasn't going to make it. and my eye's had caught the gaze of Jace as he lifted his head, they widened in shock and my heart jumped in my chest at the thought of him being okay. but then i realized thatI was still mid-air.

everything went back to normal pace as I quickly descended, my feet hit first and landed on the very edge of the catwalk. But then the catwalk bent from the already bent joints underneath and the heat in the room, plus the force of me landing.

I let out a yelp and tried to catch my balance as the catwalk bent more and more,I caught my fingers in between the metal on the walk to hold myself to the grate. The grate was swinging back and forth as I gripped onto it, I used as much strength as I could muster up and lifted one hand higher and gripped on to the grate again.

Spying is my life... But now I have to be an Arms DealerWhere stories live. Discover now