Link: Epona, there might be monsters roaming around, be careful... We have nothing to defend ourselves with and I'm too weak to fight.- She looked at me with a look that said. "What do you mean?"- Darkness extended rapidly. We must be careful...- And with that a fire around fled just inches away my eye, hitting with a tree.- Bulblins... Go Epona! Take me to the bridge!

She used all her speed to take me there, a mass number of Bulblins were on both sides of the bridge. I got of Epona and ordered her to leave, and with that, she ran away hitting some Bulblins on the entrances. Enraged, they started closing on me and I stood in the edge of the bridge, losing my balance for a second, then regaining it. Some monsters where already readying their bows when I jumped down the lake...

I got used to the falls as my big adventure proceeded, now the feeling wasn't a big deal.

I fell on the water, getting completely soaked and greeted by the coldest liquid. I swam to the isle that would lead you to the spirit fountain and climbed. Suddenly exhaustion came to me, I overdid myself knowing my condition... Only because I wanted to help _____.

My body wouldn't answer, all of my limbs were numb.

*End of flashback*

And I'm here, laying helpless on cold grass and Earth... Without any idea of where the one I'd cared for the most is.

Link: No, I shouldn't give up. I shouldn't let her go.- Just as I whisper that, a ball of light starts forming in front of me. I can see a shadow inside, I can't see clearly who it is, but slowly the person can be see as a woman... But not as a woman, but as _____.

Lanayru: Here she is... Safe and sound, cured of any wounds.- She slowly floats to my arms, her sleeping face is enough to make me smile.

Link: L-Lanayru! I owe you so much!

Lanayru: You owe me nothing young Hero. I swore to the Goddess I would protect you two.

Link: Thank you Lanayru! Wh-What did Dark Link do to her?

Lanayru: It's nothing she should remember. I was able to erase those memories from her mind, cure wounds, and restore garments. She is safe in you arms. May we meet again.- And the ball of light floats into the Shrine.

I feel that feeling of crying once again... And this time I can't contain...

~_____'s POV~

I feel someone's breath against my cold body.

_____: Is it Dark Link's?- The thought of it just makes me sick to my stomach, but I feel  a calm breath, it's calm but it hides sadness and grief. I open my eyes, and see the man I wished to see.

Link: Y-You're awake!- He holds me tightly to his chest.

_____: Is Link... crying?...- He weeps and holds tightly my arms.

Link: _____.... I was afraid... So afraid I might have lost you... I have never been so afraid of losing someone in my eyes...- His clear ocean eyes reflect the dim rays of the moon and pure honesty.

_____: D-Don't blame yourself...

Link: How can I not?... When I failed to protect you...- His crystal teardrops fall into the palm of my hands.

_____: Link...- I'm about to rub his cheek, but I can't bring myself to do it. Surprisingly enough, he is the one that does that, managing to crack a pained smile, but really putting effort in looking happy.

{On Hold} The Legend of Zelda: A Love Between Worlds (Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now