Chapter Two

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"Who ever you are, I have to unbuckle my seat belt before you 'save the day', stupid." Despite what I just went through, I had enough left in me to give the man a little sarcasm.

I unclasped my seat belt and jumped out of the car. The man's hand was once again around bicep of my arm and he was pulling me. For a while, I was staring at the man. He has short black hair, and was at least 6' 2".

"Hey, um, excuse me. But um, where are you taking me?" I asked the man, scared. He seemed to pick up my fear, because he chuckled at me. I looked over his head and saw he was pulling me to the forest.

I opened my mouth to scream, but his hand was over it before I even had the chance to breathe in the air. "I wouldn't do that if you want to survive." He threatened. Now that he was facing me, I could see he had dark eyes. Almost black eyes. I could barely tell the different between his pupil and his eye color. His face angles complimented him in every way. If he wasn't trying to totally kidnaped me, I'd find him really cute.

My eyes remained wide and I closed my mouth. He kept his hand there for a moment, studying me.

"What?" I tried to say from under his hand.

"Nothing." He said with a smirk. Creep.

He removed his hand for a split second, and he was suddenly behind me. He held my arms behind me with one hand, and his other was covering my mouth again. He pushed me into the forest. I had to admit, it felt better being pushed then pulled.

We made it to the edge of the forest and he stopped pushing me. "If I remove my hand, are you still going to scream?" The man's voice came from behind me. I just stood there. I wasn't, because I had nothing left, my dad died when I was really young, and I had just lost my mom. I didn't many friends, and no siblings.

All I had was Julliard, which seemed pointless now. Dancing was always my mom and me's thing. I had always danced for her, and now that she was gone....I don't see how I could dance again.

The man slowly removed his hand, waiting for me to scream and run away. He slowly walked around me, so he was in front of me, blocking my sight of the forest. It was then I noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt and had blood on his shoulder.

I reached out to wipe it off, but he grabbed my forearm before I got anywhere close.

"Chill. There's blood on your shoulder." I said softly. He loosened his grip on my arm, still refusing to trust me even a little bit.

I reached out, forcing my arm to reach for him as he tried to keep it from moving. I reached his shoulder, and wiped the blood off his shoulder. He flinched as soon as a touched him. His skin was hot. Like, way to hot for it to be May. To hot to be possible.

"Um, are you okay?" I asked him. He looked at me confused so I continued, "you're skins, like, insanely hot."

"Yeah. It'll do that." He pulled my hand and we went deeper into the forest. We ended up in a clearing, which is where he finally let me go.

"This is really pretty and all, but is there any reason you brought me here?" I asked him. He didn't respond for a couple moments, so I turned to look at him. His black eyes had turned into green, and his hair became a little bit lighter. It's just the sun. I told me self.

"For this." He said. He began to walk towards me, slowly at first, getting faster with each step. Finally he reached me, until he was about 2 inches from me. He leaned his face in close, and his hand found my neck.

"You are so not about to kiss me." I told the man.

"Why?" He sounded confused. If he did this all the time, (mental cringe), he probably wasn't used to this.

"One, I don't even know you're name. Two, you just kidnapped me. And three, you just saved me from a pshyco car crash." I ducked my head out of hid hand and took a couple steps back.

"For the record, I wasn't going to kiss you." He said, sounding confused and hurt. "I was going to do this." He said, the confidence regained in his voice. A gust of wind, and suddenly he was behind me. He whipped my hair to my left side, and I felt sharp, shooting pain in my neck.

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