"I'm gonna be honest with you." Pams said, wow, really honesty coming out from her mouth? Is the world about to end?
"I don't like you, period." She spat on my face
"Good, I don't like you too. Period."
Pams scoffs, "Don't act so high and mighty just because Will took a liking to you." She warns me, "Oh he does like me, a lot. I can tell." I tease her and she glares at me even more. "He likes playing around girls like you Eli, but at the end of the day he'll come back to me." She crosses her arms over her chest that made her breast push upwards. I just chuckle at her "Keep telling yourself that. Thanks for the advice though." I smirk at her and bump her purposely on her shoulder and continue my not-so-peaceful-morning-run.

I take another route I haven't taken before, I found a yogurt stall selling mango peach yogurt. Good thing I bought with me. I place my order and wait for the vendor to finish preparing it. "Elizabeth?" I hear Will's voice calling me from behind.

Fuck it, that's it. I'm not going out for a morning run ever again. I turn around and put on my smiley face, "Hey... fancy meeting you here."
He smiles back "what a coincidence indeed."
"Must be my lucky day, I bump into Steve, Shelly and your ex Pam. Who by the way is probably planning how to kill me in my sleep." The yogurt vendor handed me my order and I take a spoonful and shove it in my mouth.
Mmm... heaven.
"She already showed you her witch side huh." Will laughs,
"Oh no worries, I can handle her bitchy attitude."
"Good to know that," Will face softens, "So... I know I said one date but... I really enjoyed spending time with you. So I was wondering, if you want to go out with me again?"


He finally asked me out again, this is going smoothly than I thought.
"I'll think about it." I said to him before I turn around and I start walking away as I finish my yogurt with a victorious face.


When I arrive home I see Jonathan in the kitchen preparing a toasted sandwich for himself. He must've heard my footsteps because he looks up and sees me walking towards him. "I'm always wondering how you're able to wake up so early." He take a bite on his sandwich. I open the fridge and grab a bottle of water and stand beside him and snatch his sandwich. I take a small bit and handed it back to him, "It's discipline." Jonathan loves to stay up late. It's either when he's being a complete hoe or he's playing a video game. "It's called being boring." He said to me while continue eating is sandwich.

I empty my bottled water and throw it in the trash can. Jonathan finishes his sandwich and grab another slice of bread and start toasting it, "How was the date?" He ask casually. I'm impressed, I know he's been dying to ask about the date. I thought he was going to ask me last night but surprisingly he didn't.

"It was okay."
"Just okay?" He leans back on the counter,
"Yeah, we watched a movie, played some games and... we went home afterwards."
The toaster tinged Jonathan take out the bread slices and make another sandwich. He put it on a plate and hands it to me, "Eat, you need it." I take the plate, "Also, I killed the cockroach in your room."
"You went into my room again?"
"I'm sorry I think what you meant to say is thank you, so, you're welcome." He smiled at me and leaves the kitchen. I swear to God! I'm going to get back to him.


It's two in the afternoon and Sam and I just got back from grocery shopping, Will has been texting the entire time. Sam was a little irritated that I'm wasting time and energy on him. When we got back Jonathan is in the living room binge watching season 3 of The Vampire Diaries. Sam and I place the groceries on top of the counter, I fish out a pack or Oreo. Jonathan loves Oreos, and I just thought of a very entertaining way to properly thank him.

While Sam is busy putting everything inside the fridge I grab the pack of Oreo and went inside the bathroom. I open the medicine cabinet and grab the toothpaste. I open the pack and grab three Oreos, I scrape off the cream and replace it with toothpaste. I place the three Oreos in the middle so it wouldn't be obvious. I exit the bathroom and take a piece and head towards Jonathan. I place the open Oreos in front of him "My thank you gift for killing the cockroach." I take a bite on the Oreo I have on my hand and smile at him. "I see you learned some manners." He grab one near the middle, slightly missing the ones with a toothpaste in them. "Enjoy then." I turn around and peak at him, he's not looking at me so instead of going back to the kitchen I head towards the door and leave the house.

Couple of minutes later I receive a text, 'You r so fucking dead'

I texted back, 'Keep telling urself dat ;)'





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