Strange Encounter

Start from the beginning

"I'm not trying to avoid you that would be rude, since I called you out here." I was looking around for where her voice trying to find where it was coming from, when suddenly she was an inch away from my face. "Hey there." In that one moment, it was almost as if her old self was out, her eyes were clear and she seemed nice.

"Hi." I responded after remembering how to talk, my hesitation made her giggle.

"Don't go falling for me Gray Fullbuster, it will make it harder for you to fight me later." Her smile suddenly went evil as she grabbed my throat. "I see you still have my little exceed and that abomination of my sister with you."

"I am still a real person!" Katherine yell from behind me.

"Katherine don't hurt Gray!" Eric yelled. "He is my only friend now that you turned evil."

"I am not evil, not in the slightest." She swung me over to the side so she could easily see her exceed. "They killed Katherine, and if it wasn't for Cobra they would have killed me to. I don't know why they took you in, but what is more surprising is that you would take a liking to your sister's murderers."

"They didn't murder me you dumb ass!" Katherine screamed. "Now put Gray down before I force you to." I could just barely see her, but from what I could see, the look in her eyes was the same as Natsu's when someone was threatening us.

"You're an ice creation, what could you possibly know?!" Serena yelled back. "I lost my sister, my only family, my only life! Everything I knew has been taking from not once but twice. I have no parents, no sister, hell my cat even left me for the people that destroyed my life! All I have now is Cobra, the only person who has tried to help me put my life back together. You will never change my mind about him! You will never take away my happiness, not again....UNDERSTAND!?" Serena got more emotional as her speech went on, by the end of it we were surrounded by a thick mist.

" wa-wasn't us." I tried to cut in, but her grip was slowly getting stronger, this might have been the one time that I actually wanted Natsu to make one of his grand entrances but that wasn't part of the plan. He was back up and that was it, this whole plan was dependent on me and Katherine but it wasn't looking too well. " a-about this."

"There is no time for talking!" Serena glared over at me. "If you wanted to talk to me, then you shouldn't have killed my sister. You shouldn't have taken my sister, and you shouldn't have taken away everything that was important to me!" Her look got darker with each word and she was starting to look like a demon herself. But it was weird, it almost seemed like there was a mask covering them. "What the hell are you looking at you creep?"

I didn't know whether to be honest or not, but I went with what my gut was telling me. "Y-Your....e-eyes."

"What about my eyes?" Serena questioned as she released her grip slowly. "Tell me, and I swear your answer better be good or I will snap your neck like a twig, understand?"

"Yeah I understand." I had to carefully thinking through my response, Serena had made it quite clear that I was as good as dead if I used one wrong word. "You're eyes seem like they are clouded over, like they are wearing a mask to hiding something."

"My eyes are wearing a mask?" I faintly heard Serena question, when I looked over at her I saw the most beautiful royal blue eyes I had ever seen.

"They were murky before, but now they are a royal blue." I smiled trying to keep her guard down, that would be the key to surviving this fight. "They are sparkling like the sea, and you can see your strong will and longing for hope."

As I spoke, I could see her guard falling farther and farther. I was so close to having her in a reasonable frame of mind when I heard a large thump behind me. I didn't need to look over to know that Cobra was the one who made the noise. Serena's eyes were now that strange murky green that I had seen before, it was a shame that Cobra was able to taint such beautiful eyes.

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