Strange Encounter

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Serena POV

The sun had started to fall from the sky, as its last few rays of light hit my poison bubble I couldn't help but notice that the rainbows shooting out from it were tinted purple. It was a beautiful scene for me as I snuggled into Cobra's side. My first unison raid, and I was threatening the whole awesome was I?

"You're pretty awesome princess." Cobra's lip's brushed my ear as he whispered softly, brushing my hair behind my ear. "And you look just as beautiful, well slightly more."

"You are flattering me." I blushed. "I guess we should take our marks, shouldn't we?" I questioned, titling my head to just the right angle so that I could see him but I wasn't uncomfortable.

"I guess so, don't let them get into your head." Cobra warned me yet again. "They will try to convince you that I am the evil one, but you understand that I'm not right?" The look in his eyes was pleading me to believe him. It was like his whole world would crumble if I didn't believe him, but I really couldn't imagine him ever trying to hurt me or him being evil.

"You didn't kill my sister Cobra, how could I ever think that you were the evil one?" I questioned him, was something bothering him? He seemed to be reminding me that he wasn't the evil one an awful lot, and though I loved him to death it was starting to annoy me. "Come on, let's not talk anymore and go take our marks." I turned around so I was now facing him fully, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Anything you wish Princess." Cobra gave me a devious smile, his worry suddenly gone as if by magic. "I would jump off the edge of the world for you."

"No you wouldn't." I chuckled. "And you will never have to consider it, because I would never do anything to put you in danger." I smiled back at him. "Now let's get a move on, I can now smell Gray in the wind. He will be here soon."

"Have I ever told you I love you?" I couldn't tell if Cobra was trying to distract me or not, as he grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it lightly. "If not, I love you. And I want you to win, so don't lose."

I pulled my hand back quickly. "I never lose." My mood changed suddenly, almost out of my control. "Don't ever imply that I can lose again." The anger that suddenly over took me, I knew it wasn't mine. When that rush of rage hit I almost questioned if I really knew Cobra. Before I let those thoughts sink in, I grew a pair of wings and flew off to my mark.

By the time I landed I felt better, but the feeling of being controlled by something else still lingered. I had figured out the darkness implanted in my soul was from Cobra and it was slowly taking me over, but I still had my free will right? This thing was making me question myself way too much, and I was starting to wonder if darkness was really the route I wanted; was darkness even the answer? Was the darkness in my soul even real? I was creating too many questions for myself, I had to stop thinking about it before Gray broke through the brush otherwise I really wouldn't have a hope to win this fight.

Gray POV

"We're getting close." Eric announced. "She is watching for us, I can sense her somewhere nearby."

"Are you sure it's Serena?" I questioned, not used to being in the dark.

"He is right Gray, I can smell her and I can feel her presence in the water." Katherine's head was darting all over. "The only problem is that I can't seem to pin point her anywhere, it's like she is jumping around in the trees trying to avoid us for as long as possible."

"That's not like her at all, she is a straight shooter; Serena would never try to cover herself." Eric's expression gave off the strongest sense of worry I had ever seen. "If she changed her strategy then we are in for a world full of hurt. Our plan may not work anymore."

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