Episode 14- Blood is Thicker

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"Life takes you into troubled waters not to drown you but to cleanse you." ~ Unknown

            The body of the old man was at the bottom of the cloudy crimson watered pool. Henry stared down at it as he joined Jo at the scene of the crime; the two exchanged somewhat awkward looks as they stood by each other.

"What's the story?" He asked as Lucas started collecting samples of pool water.

"The daughter said she was stopping by like usual to check on him, when she couldn't find him in the house she checked out here and found him like this and called the police." She informed him before motioning for some people to get the body out of the water. "He lives here alone and with the fence there weren't any witnesses. No screams or sounds of distress until Lee over there screamed."

Henry looked over at the light brown haired woman with grief clouding her gaze as she watched from the doorway. "I'll see if there's anything I can find on the body to support her story."

"Right. I'll look around for evidence with Detective Hanson." She left his side and started searching, leaving him alone by the edge of the water.

"That was... odd." Lucas joined him. "Did something happen I missed out on?"

Henry didn't look over at his assistant. "No."

"Henry, are you lying?" Lucas had a hint of a smile on his face, a rare sight since Jaylyn left.

"No, nothing happened. We're just focused on our work." He replied before walking off. "Why don't you go start on the autopsy without me? I just remembered something I need to do."

"Uh... alright." Lucas didn't follow him this time and his gaze lifted from Henry's back.

Henry walked out of the back yard and through the neat house, ignoring the bustling activity he left behind. The cold air hit his face once more as he exited the front door and he took a deep breath to clear him head, why hadn't he done a better job at seeming less conspicuous to Lucas? He didn't need any more people put in danger for knowing his secret, Jaylyn had told him a group was targeting them... what would happen if they targeted those who knew to get to him? Perhaps he should move again, keep those he cared about safe before that could happen.

"Henry?" Jo's questioning voice made him tense. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He replied. "Have you found anything?"

"Nothing to suggest this wasn't an accident, this case could be over with before it begins." She said.

"Good." Henry nodded and they once again fell into an awkward silence. "It could mean one less murderer is out there."


Abe had been in upstairs when he heard the door to the shop open. Knowing it wasn't Henry, not unless he'd come home after only a half hour, he went down to check on the customer. He was a bit surprised to see a young teenager looking at the antiques, their hands deep inside their jacket pockets while their arms were tucked close to their sides as well.

"Can I help you?" He asked, causing the boy to jump slightly.

The teen shifted on the spot and seemed to size him up before nodding. "I'm uh, I'm looking for a Henry Morgan."

"He isn't here at the moment he's working on a case." Abe replied as the kid stood there awkwardly.

"Oh... I'll come back then, it isn't important." He turned to leave.

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