Episode 10- Don't Jump

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"Rarely do you see an adult walking around with scars on their body. Is it because they were a happier generation? Or is it because most of us just didn't make it that far?" ~ Unknown

Henry was just getting home from a walk through the snow flurries when Abe rushed out holding the phone, though he put it in its place before reaching Henry.

"Henry, Jo needs you outside the police station." His son informed him quickly. "She says there's an emergency that may require your attention."

"Did she say what kind?" Henry asked, putting his coat back on as he prepared to go back outside.

"There isn't a body yet." Abe replied before giving him a somber expression. "You better hurry."

Henry nodded in agreement, it was clear that Jo expected there to be a body soon, even if the person hadn't killed themselves yet... That was what it seemed she had meant at least. He hailed down a cab as the snow continued to fall peacefully around him and quickly told the driver where he needed to go. A large crowd was standing outside the NYPD, making the building easy to spot. He paid the cabbie before going through a hard process of weaving and pushing his way through the people who had gathered. Following their upward gaze he saw a man, or rather teenager, standing on the roof with a gun pressed hard against his head.

"Henry!" Jo's voice made him turn to watch the detective's approach.

"Detective Martinez." He greeted with a grim smile. "What's going on?"

"Remember Riley?" She asked and a sinking feeling came over him. "He's lost it completely, earlier he was shouting he would show us all."

"Show us all what, exactly?" He gave a swift look back up at the teen.

"He didn't say, just that it would solve everything." She gave a shake of her head. "Dr. Farber should be here soon to try easing Riley down."

Henry didn't think that was going to work out too well but he refused to speak that out loud. Adam did have to play his part as a therapist, especially now with all the police and detectives gathered around trying to get citizens to move along.

From up above Riley's voice shouted down once more. "I am going to prove to you I didn't mean it Kalli! I'm coming to see you!"

"Where is my shrink!" Lieutenant Treen shouted as he stormed over. "We cannot have a dead kid on our hands!"

"Tell that to that love sick man." Henry tensed as Adam stepped through the crowd. "I will try however, if the boy wants to die there isn't much anyone can do to change his mind."

"You will change his mind." Treen snarled before whirling around to bark orders at some other poor police.

"I'll take a squad up to get him down." Hanson offered before leaving as well, signaling for a few cops to follow him.

Henry watched Adam carefully as the other immortal grabbed a megaphone and walked over to face Riley. He didn't trust the man to completely try saving the man despite it being his job; it just didn't seem like something Henry could see Adam doing.


Hanson climbed the last stairs to the roof and silently slipped out onto the roof with his gun drawn, the group of three other police walked out behind him with their weapons drawn. Hanson stopped a few yards away, the boy hadn't noticed them yet and it was better not to startle him.

"Do not fire unless I tell you." He whispered to them. "Do not shoot to kill when you do, disarm only."

They nodded in acknowledgement and Hanson turned back to watch the teenager lower the gun as Dr. Farber's voice faded. Hope filled him for a few seconds, perhaps the kid would be fine, and then Riley spoke.

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