Episode 5- Fighting Death's Clock

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"Death? Why this fuss about death? Use your imagination; try to visualize a world without death! Death is the essential condition of life, not evil." ~Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

Henry was lost in thought as he looked over the collected evidence on the clean medical counter in front of him. He didn't know how long any of them had until Jo's body was found; he was just relieved it hadn't been yet... though that just meant she was being tortured. Both ways it was bad for Detective Martinez and he had to pick up the pace if they were going to find her. The phone ringing made him look up, fear in his gaze at the thought of what the person on the other end would say. What if it was Hanson or Treen saying her corpse had been found?

He picked it up before the second ring was finished. "Hello?"

"You sound terrible Henry." Adam's voice wasn't exactly a relief but it did make him relax a bit. "Better hurry up, the clock is counting down. Then again I always did tell you making friends who die is a bad choice. Perhaps letting you fail will prove it."

"Is that a threat?" Henry put a hint of a snarl in his voice.

The elevator dinged and the phone went dead, unfortunately Adam's voice continued talking as the immortal walked, or rather limped over. "You've sent them searching in the wrong place."

"If you know so much about her location, then tell me." Henry glared at him.

Adam stopped a few yards away. "I don't know the exact location, just that someone is leading us to you detective friend."

"Jaylyn?" Henry asked, curious now. "Why not just tell us to our faces?"

"Jaylyn is gone." Adam replied a in a bit of a colder tone than normal. "Where, I don't know, she's lost somewhere probably."

He gave Adam a distrustful look. "You expect me to believe you?"

"Not yet, but you will." He looked at his watch. "In about three minutes the others will be back and your annoying little assistant will come telling you how they failed."

Henry stood there silently as Adam gave him a rather bored look. "What do you suggest we do? We've been looking above and below for Detective Martinez, if we don't find her soon she's going to die."

"That's your problem, I'm not the one who cares." He frowned a moment. "Unfortunately whoever has her has dragged me into this mess... Do you know what I enjoy doing after my day job Dr. Morgan? I like to study the curse occasionally and of course track down people who have wronged me... they'll all die eventually if they haven't already. I was just in the middle of killing someone when I got a call, can you guess who it was?"

Henry could, it was probably the same man who had the growling voice. Adam took his silence as not knowing however and continued, anger in his gaze. "It was the man who shot me. He claimed to have Jaylyn; naturally I threatened him... In response I heard a chainsaw and a pair of screams before the line cut off. It wasn't just Jaylyn's but both of them were female."

"Jo." Henry felt himself go a bit pale. "Can't you figure out where this man is?"

"I wouldn't be here if I had."

Henry backed off, still watching Adam carefully, as the immortal took a look at the gathered evidence. A moment later he took out his phone and dialed a number, a frustrated look in his eyes, before putting it on speaker.

"-Can't talk long, Adam." A man's voice was a bit broken up as the signal faded in and out, though the tone was obviously mocking. "What... want?"

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