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Yawning, Felicity gingerly placed her head face forward on the table, her fatigue overtaking her.

She studied all of last night for midterms, and she knew in order to pass she had to do the same this coming night. Dreading it, Felicity groaned and closed her eyes.

"You shouldn't have procrastinated on studying," chided the familiar voice who just slipped into the seat in front her.

Felicity's head sprang up, glaring at Oliver, who sat with their usual coffee and a laptop in front of him. He was smirking.

"Well if it wasn't for a certain person, who I will give the curtesy of keeping his name private, I wouldn't have been this far behind in my studies in the first place."

Oliver's eyes gleamed teasingly. "You could have left my house at any time."

"You wouldn't let me leave!"

Oliver let out a hearty laugh, his voice carrying through the almost-empty coffee shop. Felicity wasn't actually mad at him, but she was still frustrated that she was very behind. Groaning again, her head hit the table.
Oliver tapped his fingers on the table and sipped his coffee, his eyes traveling over the petite blonde fondly. They've spent the last few weeks together, hanging out after what happened at Barry's party. A couple of times Barry would actually try and text Felicity, as friends of course, but then Oliver would become jealous and sink into a bad mood. Felicity kept her texting to Barry to a minimum.

Raising her head, Felicity stole a sip of Oliver's coffee before plonking down again.

"You know we just indirectly kissed." Oliver stated.

"Who cares," Felicity replied, "I've kissed you a ton of times."

Looking up, Felicity realized that she was in the presence of Cisco and Caitlin, who had just entered the shop and stopped by at their table. Although the statement itself wasn't embarrassing, Felicity still blushed a deep red.

"H-h-hey guys! W-what's up? How sit going? What are you doing here? How long have you been here? Did you hear what I just said, because if you didn't then don't worry about it but if you did ha ha it's fine yeah sure I kiss Oliver all the time. Wow that makes me sound like some sort of vixen. Well, he is sort of my boyfriend, I don't know we haven't really labelled our relationship but yeah that's what normal couples do...with...each...other." Felicity trailed off her rambling.

"Except, Felicity, you're anything but normal." Cisco said.

Felicity glared playfully at her best friend, and then turned her attention to a laughing Oliver, who was very amused by her speech. Slowly, Felicity's eyes softened as she stared at the beautiful man in front of her.
Remembering that her friends are here, Felicity got up and moved to the other end of the booth next to Oliver, while Caitlin and Cisco took the other half. As they talked amongst each other, even in their small group, Felicity finally felt content with her life.

A sense of happiness and relief washed over her, as she looked to her left to see the man she's fallen in love with.
Sure she won't tell him right then, it was too early. But even so, she knew her feelings toward Oliver extended far beyond just liking him.
Felicity looked down at her lap and grinned.

Yes, she was finally, truly, happy.

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