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"No offense Felicity, but I think everyone but you has already realized that." Cisco replied.

Felicity blushed and looked down, "Well it doesn't matter anyway, since Laurel is also after him."

"Everyone sees the way he looks at you, and how he acts around you. I don't think that he'd have an interest in your slutty friend."

Even though the comment about Laurel was true, Felicity still frowned. However, her sympathy for Laurel vanished when she saw the girl walking through the doors, arm and arm with Tommy Merlin. She wore a blood red cocktail dress with sky high heels, and intense makeup.

Laurel was out for the kill.

And her next victim was Oliver Queen.

Felicity's heart broke with every step Laurel took to the man she just confessed to liking. When the couple reached the group Felicity just left, she saw Laurel's signature sultry smile appear as she introduced herself to Oliver. She couldn't tell what they were speaking about, but she didn't have to, since she could tell that Laurel was flirting viciously with Mr. Queen.

"Go Felicity," Cisco coaxed, "Don't let him get away, or Laurel get her way."

"I-I'm just not that type of person though! Oliver doesn't belong to me; I can't act like some jealous girlfriend, because I can't even consider us having a romantic relationship. He's not mine, so technically Laurel can go after him if she wants to. Even though I don't want her to, I don't have the confidence or the guts Laurel has."

"But you don't need that Felicity. Whatever you have between you and Oliver is real, and I know seeing him with other girl would kill you. Don't regret anything Felicity. You have a shot at Oliver's heart, so aim and fire."

A newfound determination sparked Felicity, and with the smallest ounce of courage, she sauntered back to the group. Seeing her arrival, Laurel's eyes flashed with disgust, but it was quickly masked with a plastic smile.

"Felicity! How nice of you to join us!" Laurel exclaimed. Her smile was cheerful but her eyes held malice.

"Laurel," Felicity nodded, acknowledging her presence.

When she turned towards Oliver, he was looking at her, an unknown emotion in his eyes. Laurel must've noticed, since she sent a quick glare to her frenemy.

Noticing the tension, Caitlin excused herself from the group, and Barry went to go greet other guests. That left Felicity, Oliver, Laurel, and Tommy alone.

"Felicity, darling, why don't you take Tommy here and introduce him to our friend Helena over at the snack bar? I'm sure he's dying to meet the beauty!"

"No thanks. I'm sure Tommy can introduce himself." Felicity countered, a challenge in her eyes.

Laurel's eyes hardened. "Tommy, go meet Helena." Reluctantly, Tommy left, leaving the three in an awkward situation.

It was silent for a minute, Felicity and Laurel having a staring contest, while Oliver glanced between the two. He cleared his throat, breaking the two girls' silent conversation.

"Well, I'm just going to go talk to Thea..." He trailed off, then walked away.

As soon as he left, Laurel struck, "Back off of Oliver! I already told you that I was going for him."

"You can't just claim Oliver! If you'd have been a good friend to me these last couple of weeks, you would have realized that I actually spent time with him!"

Laurel's eyes bugged out, "You're pulling my leg. Oliver Queen would never go for a loser like you."

"Y-you, you BITCH!"

Laurel laughed, "Wow! Is Little Felicity actually standing up to me? Get over yourself! Oliver is rich, handsome, and a socialite. You're completely the opposite of what he is: weak, pathetic child. You're just another girl who lives in the out-crowd."

"If I were the old me, I would have been bothered by that. But you know what? So what if I'm just a regular, college girl? I'm happy with who I am, and I don't need you anymore to bottle feed me and be under your wing. I'm done being bullied by you, so excuse me, I have something I need to do."

With that, Felicity walked away from Laurel for good.

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