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"Hey, are you okay?"

Felicity snapped out of her daze to look at the handsome boy sitting in front of her, who's hands were around his cup of coffee, but his eyes were stuck on her. They looked concerned.

Blinking a bit to clear her thoughts, she put on a weak attempt at a smile and said, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Oliver didn't look convinced. His eyebrows knit together, but he let it go by changing the subject. "Are you going to Barry's party tonight?"

With the mention of the party, Felicity deflated again. Laurel would make a move on him tonight, and ruin whatever this...relationship was between her and Oliver. "I'm not sure." She silently added in her mind, "Because I don't want to see Laurel
flirting with you."

Oliver cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, "Well, you should."

"Do you want me to come?"

Though that threw Oliver off-guard, he quickly answered anyway, "Of course."

Then, her cheeks turned red. What's he implying? Is he implying anything anyway? Before she could think it through, she started to speak, "Well then I'll go, n-not just because you want me to go but it's Barry's party and Caitlin and Cisco are really close friends with him and I'm close friends with Cisco so it's kind of guaranteed I should meet him. Well not guaranteed, you never know Barry could be a jerk I don't know I've never met him but actually I heard he's really nice and...I'm rambling aren't I?"

Oliver was grinning. "God I love it when you do that."

* * * * *

Felicity stood in the foyer, shifting from leg to leg, waiting for someone she knew to show up so they could walk into Barry's party together. Secretly, Felicity wished that Oliver would be the one to show up, but alas, it was Caitlin who walked through the door after a swarm of people entered before her.

"Hey Felicity, wanna walk in together?"

Masking her disappointment, Felicity blew out a quiet, "Sure," and as they walked side-by-side.

"By the way, you look amazing!" Caitlin exclaimed as she shifted Barry's gift from her left arm to her right. Felicity wore a strapless, pale pink dress with lace detail on the side, and black heels she could barely walk in (picture of her dress is the pdf file either at the top or to your right).

She smiled for real this time, "Thanks Caitlin! Your red dress looks awesome on you."

Caitlin thanked her in return, and they finally entered the backyard, where the party was being held. It was a huge space, people walking and dancing and laughing and talking. To the sides were buffet tables filled with snacks and drinks, and all the way at the end in front of them was a huge stage. String lights hung beautifully, giving the illusion of stars in the sky.

As soon as they were aware of their surroundings, Barry himself ran up and hugged Caitlin. "Thanks so much for coming!" Then, he turned to Felicity, blinking for second then holding out his hand, "Hello I'm Barry," he said with a charming and dazed smile.

Felicity held out her hand, stunned by how attractive the boy was. "But not as handsome as Oliver," she added silently in her head, unconsciously.

"Felicity. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh no, it's my pleasure. You look great!"

Felicity noted how he complimented her, but not Caitlin. Opening her mouth, Felicity was about to thank him when she smelled a distinctive cologne, and an arm wrapped around her waist.

"Barry." Oliver grit out, a little forcefully.

Not noticing his hostile tone, Barry grinned. "Mr. Queen. How's the business going?"


It was silent for a bit, and even with the awkward silence, Caitlin and Barry stared at Oliver's arm, which was still wrapped tightly against Felicity's waist. It pulled her to his side, making Felicity beat red. To clear the silence, she cleared her throat.

"I think we should get back to the party right? I mean all these guests are here for you Barry, and happy birthday by the way! I'm friends with Caitlin, I mean you already know that but I also know Cisco! Hey where is Cisco? Is that him near the punch bowl? I'm going to go look!" She pulled away from Oliver and quickly put space between her and the group.

Sure enough, Cisco was chilling by the punch, sipping his cup casually. "I saw that."

Confused, Felicity frowned, "What?"

"That whole exchange between you and Barry and Oliver Queen. Didn't know you two were dating."


"You and Oliver."

"I-I'm not dating Oliver! Sure we're pretty good friends, if you can classify us as friends. I don't know I wouldn't say friends. I mean we meet everyday at this really adorable coffee shop on campus and we get the same order, but he always gets a muffin I just stick to coffee-"

"Oliver looked ready to kill Barry, since he was flirting with you. I don't think Oliver meant his actions in a platonic way."

"As in?"

"He put his arm around you and glared at Barry. It's an act of pure possessiveness. "

"Then he sees me in a family way. Like a brother looking after his little sister..."

The more Felicity argued her point, the sadder she got. Why is she feeling so depressed at the thought of Oliver seeing her as just a sister? Does she see Oliver as a brotherly figure? Her feelings toward him are nothing but brotherly. Whenever she sees him, his heart skips a beat. His smile can make her day so much brighter, and the way her name rolls off his tongue entices exciting shivers.

"Oh my gosh." Felicity whispered, shell-shocked. "I like Oliver."

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