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Hellooo everyone!! I'm back! So! This is book 2 to Miniera, the sequel. We are just getting started and I can't tell you how much it means to me that everyone likes it. I really hope you enjoy! I love you guys! -Hannah


PROLOGUE: His blood thrummed in fast rushes through his veins, akin to the excitement he felt that pulsed in his chest and up his neck into his head. He was dizzy with delight as he stared down at the girl bound to the stainless steel table.

A tear fell down her temple and he watched it with sick fascination as the girl whimpered from behind her gag.

Lifting a hand he caressed her cheek softly, leaned down until his lips were by her pale cheek.

"I am going to remove the gag now... Don't scream." He whispered and his voice was as soft as his breath against her skin, but it held a strong, harsh threat.

The girl nodded numbly.

He smiled a beautiful smile before with deft fingers, pulled the gag from her mouth.

A lightbulb hung from above her and it hummed a soft and low buzz, putting her teeth on edge. Her lips were cracked and chapped and she could barely speak through her dry mouth.

He turned and she heard a faucet running before he was back by her side and lifting her head so the water could trickle between her lips.

It washed over her tongue in a crisp caress and she wondered if this was the last time she would ever feel water sliding down her throat.

He pulled it away with a 'tsk'.

"Don't be greedy." He whispered as he wiped a stray rivulet from her chin.

Her breath was a gasping pant as she stared up at him.

"Please. Please, I'm begging you. J-Just let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone," she said through a throat tender from her screams.

He hummed and stroked her hair back from her bruised face.

"You know I can't do that," he said so softly she strained to hear it.

A soft cry of despair escaped her lips at the thought and he backhanded her.

"I told you no noise!" he hissed. Her cheek throbbed and she nodded.

Gone was the monster and the cool gaze was back, but she knew what lurked behind his muddy brown eyes-- knew it was just a façade to contain the evil that was leashed, just waiting to be let free.

"I'm sorry," she whispered and he smiled softly with approval.

"Please. I just- I want to go home! I'm a person-a HUMAN- and I have a family and a baby girl at home. Please just let me go. I swear to you I will never tell anyone." She said and thought she had finally gotten through to him, but his eyes went dull and his face was expressionless as he stepped away from her.

Her head dropped back down to the table, but she didn't dare take her eyes away from him. He turned his back to her, his voice quiet and calm, but holding a wrath that made her tremble with fear.

"That is what they all say," he murmured.

She heard a sound like metal against metal, a soft scraping from in front of him where he was standing and her blood turned to ice.

She shook with fear as more tears ran in relentless streams down her cheeks.

"That is what they all say and you are all liars. You use your pretty eyes to get what you want and then you leave." He said, his voice harsh and cold as he turned to her.

Her eyes zeroed in on his hand and she let out a whimper.

A butcher knife gleamed from between his fingers, reflecting against the muted lights in the room as he slowly made his way to her side.

He ran the tip of the knife along her bare legs and she shivered from the cool bite of metal as she squeezed her eyes shut, hoping, wishing, imagining she was anywhere but here.

"Open your eyes!" He growled and she obeyed instantly.

He began his tour around her again, running the sharp tip of the knife along her flesh until she shook with pure undiluted terror.

"You're all the same and you all want the same things. You are greedy and selfish, thinking of yourself as better than me," he all but snarled and then ran the tip of the knife over her hip until it was the middle of her stomach as he leaned down to her face, his voice turning soft, and deadly.

"But you're not..." he whispered and before the girl could scream, cry, or even blink--the knife was sheathed in her abdomen.

The man shuddered with pure ecstasy and euphoria as she coughed, wheezed.

Her world was going black, going bright and then dimming at sharp intervals. She couldn't believe her life was ending here at this man's hands.

A horrible gurgling sound came from her chest and a warm trickle of blood rolled from her lips, down her chin and neck to pool at the hollow of her collarbone.

Her daughter's face flashed in the forefront of her mind-and then everything went away and she was gone.

The man stared with fascination at the blood that pooled, cooled and thickened beneath her white and lifeless body.

Power rushed through him and he was dizzy with the high of his kill.

At first it had scared him-the rush of energy which he felt thrum through his veins once their life force drained like a withering flower in winter at his hands-now that he understood his needs, the passion of it -of the kill- it made each demise at his hands that much sweeter.

Each one he felt it, didn't matter with who or where.

The fighters.

The weak ones.

The young ones.

He loved them all because they were his for the taking.

In all of the uncontrollable aspects of life he could finally, wonderfully be in control with one small flick of his knife.

He felt with each drop of blood he spilled, he could grow a river of crimson blood that he could soak his dark soul into and feel that of power he yearned, longed so strongly for.

It was his, they were his.

All his and he was never going to stop.

They would have to kill him to make him stop.

He laughed with glee and turned away from the empty husk that lay on the table.

Like they could.

No, he wasn't going away for a long, long time and he was going to enjoy each and every terror-filled moment.

He smiled.

No, this was just the beginning...


Ahh! I hope everyone enjoyed! I am going to be updating sometime tomorrow so keep tuned with that! I can't wait for you to see what I have in store and I really, really, hope you like! IT means so much to me with each and every vote, comment, read or view. I cannot thank you all enough and I hope you enjoy! Stay tuned..! VOTE. COMMENT. FOLLOW. SHARE. I love you guys! -Hannah :D

Amare (#Wattys2016)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें