I watched as we whizzed past cars. I'm pretty sure he's going well over the speed limit. "Hey. Stay awake" Caleb said as he poked my arm.

I frowned and whacked his hand away from me. "Both hands on the wheel" I told him while sitting up straight. Stupid concussion. I just want to sleep! Everything is just stupid right now. Stupid mate for trying to drag me in the store!

This wouldn't be happening if he didn't try to make be buy lingerie with him! I wouldn't have fallen and got a concussion! "We're here" Caleb announced while parallel parking between two cars. I yawned again and unbuckled as he stopped the car. I opened the door and stepped outside.

Unfortunately, my legs were still too tired to keep me standing, so I used the door for support. "Come on" Caleb said softly as he put on arm under my leg. He swooped me up and kicked the door closed. He better hope that Laa-Laa isn't dirty!

He walked to the door; and I kicked the doorbell before he could ring it. Caleb rolled his eyes at me and chuckled. A few moments later, the door swung open to reveal Tyler. "Whoa! Y'all didn't get married did you?" he questioned as he raised an eyebrow.

"Who got married?!" a voice shouted, echoing through the house. Amanda appeared behind Tyler. "You guys got married?!" she shrieked.

Five different people loudly yelled 'what!' I winced at the sound and yawned for the third time. I heard footsteps before Mandy, Mason, Zeke, Kat, and Jessica came into view. "You guys got married?!" the girls shouted.

At the same time, Mason and Zeke shouted. "What the fuck?!"

Their heads abruptly snapped forward. "Language!" Grams scolded them. She looked at Caleb and I with wide eyes. "You didn't invite any of us?" she said with a pout.

We're not even married! For some reason, I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. "Why is everyone in front of the door!" Sam grunted as he pushed past everyone. He stared at Caleb and I with the same look that Grams gave us. "You got married?!" he shouted.

Suddenly, more and more people were crowding around the door way. "I don't remember giving you my blessing to marry Piper!" Toby yelled as he came to the front of the crowd.

Everyone was yelling different things, making my head hurt. "Stop!" I screamed with my head in my hands. "Everyone get the fuck out of the way, and someone get Kaley!" I demanded. The crowd quickly parted and Caleb walked inside and up the stairs. "And we're not married!" I added as we got halfway up the staircase. "My head hurts" I muttered while resting my head on my mate's chest.

He sighed and bent down to kiss my forehead. "I'm sorry, Poptart" he said softly. I frowned and closed my eyes. "No sleeping" he said firmly. I was just resting my eyes. "Come on. Open your eyes" he begged. Sighing, I pealed my eyes open as he entered his bedroom. "Kaley should be here soon. Just stay awake until then" he told me while sitting me down on the bed.

Another yawn escaped my lips just as Kaley entered the room. Caleb never closed the door, so she just walked in. "Alpha, Luna" she said respectfully. "What can I do for you?" she asked.

Caleb quickly explained the situation; but he left out a few parts- like him trying to make me buy lingerie and everyone thinking that we're married. Really, though? Just because he's carrying me, does not mean that we got married! I get that its tradition and what not; but why would you automatically assume that we got married?

"Piper?" Kaley said. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her and Caleb. "I need to do a few tests" she informed me. I nodded my head. She told me to follow a small flashlight with my eyes as she shined it in my face. Then, she asked me a few questions about what we did today and yesterday. "Do you think you can walk?" she inquired.

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