In the mist of morning... (Chapter 24)

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"This is all my fault..." Emily blamed herself as she looked into the gun that lied in her hands. She tossed the gun in front of her in disgust. Kira died thinking she hated her. All because Emily blamed her for a death that in hindsight, wasn't her fault. She focused on the past so long she forgot to live in the present; which is one of her life mottos. She was a failure to Kira. She was a failure to herself.

"If you'll stop moping, I'd sure love a hand." A voice full of sass filled Emily's ears. It has been less than a minute since she lost her and the guilt was already getting to her.

"Em, please, I'm kind of in a state of "I'm going to lose my grip and fall any second now" so stop sulking for one minute and help me." Emily grabbed her ears and just put her head down between her legs.

"STOP! JUST STOP! I GET IT! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" Emily screamed at the voices in her head.

"Emily, dude, I'm actually hanging on for my still-alive life. Help me up or so help me I WILL HAUNT YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE." Kira's ghost like voice echoed through Emily's head so she was forced to look over to the railing. Right where the railing met floor Emily could see fingers. No. It can't be.

But there she was. Clearly slipping from her position holding onto the floor, her legs were flailing, trying to keep herself up. Kira looked up at Emily with fear in her eyes. Emily on the other hand had a look of joy on her face.

She reached down over the edge and Kira gave her hand an unsure look. "You're not going to drop me, are you?" Emily just smiled.

"Now, why would I do that?" Emily kept her hand there only for Kira to give it another look over.

"Because of what I did. To Ben..." She was struggling to keep herself up but she wouldn't take Emily's hand.

"I shouldn't hold that against you. Besides, that's the past. Nothing we can do about it now. You saved my life with Katherine earlier, plus Zoe REALLY needs your help right now." Emily offered her hand up yet again. This time Kira took it.

Kira was heavier than she thought. She had to use bother of her hands to pull Kira up, straining whatever muscle she had to do so. When Kira got over finally she flopped to the ground and hugged the floor.

This gesture made Emily laugh. For the minute Emily had lost her was one of the worst minutes of her life. She was so grateful that she was alive.

"Kira!" The two girls upstairs heard Peter yell. Kira lifted her head off the floor and flushed, happy Peter cared so much about her. She ran down the stairs as fast as possible, actually missing the last step. She tripped and fell into Peter's awaiting arms.

"I love you Kira." He smiled and kissed her like he meant it. Emily just smiled softly and looked out from the top of the staircase, slightly engulfed by a lonely feeling. Yeah, she missed Ben, but she knew she couldn't focus on that any more. She had to put herself forward. Focus on the future.

Emily was zapped out of her trance when Zoe screamed from the other room, presumably in pain. The Keter couple was also fazed by the interruption and had to put their celebratory "yay we're alive" make out session on hold. Kira gave him one quick kiss more before rushing into the room to help Zoe with her kid and stuff.

Peter walked up to Emily and sat on the first step near the top. "Thanks for saving her. And you know, trying to shoot me earlier." He sounded bitter. Which was understandable because about 10 minutes ago her gun was in his face.

"Sorry about that. The whole concept of what you did to Wendy---"

"What DAVE did to Wendy." The shock shown on Emily's was understandable.

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