At the new base... (Chapter 1)

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It had been three months since they had joined together in this town. Three months since they got rid of that poison Lexie. Three months safe. No fighting. Three months of happiness.

        It's also been three months of hiding something for Zoe. She had a secret she was keeping from the others at the base. She was somewhat embarrassed by this secret; to the point of only Kevin knowing. But of course she had told Kevin. It was his secret too.

        All the girls at the bases' periods had synced up. Besides Katie and Grace because they have to be different. They were all curled up in fetal position since the Midol hadn't kicked in yet. Emily and Kira both had their boyfriends rub their backs as they were uncomfortable there too. Freyja was watching a bootleg up on the TV complaining to Grace and Mikayla sitting next to her.

        Kira looked off to Zoe in the corner of the room. She was in a chair reading and faking cramps. Those two had been friends long enough for Kira to know that Zoe was clearly faking it. She kicked Emily's foot, getting her to turn away from her embrace with Ben with a pissed off look on her face.

        Kira gave her a look as she nodded her head toward Zoe. Emily noticed Zoe's fake cramp look and nodded her head back to Kira. They got up from the floor they had been laying on and just told their respective boyfriends they have to have a small chat with Zoe outside. The boys don't question it, they knew better.

        Zoe was so engrossed in her book that she didn't notice her two best friends walk up to her. After standing there for about a minute, waiting for Zoe to notice them, Emily ripped the book out of her hands.

        "Hey!" Zoe exclaimed in anger.

        "We need to talk." Kira crossed her arms. Zoe was confused. Not once did it occur what the two girls would talk to her about once they exited the room.

        "Explain yoself." Emily told Zoe.

        "What are you guys talking about?" Zoe pretended to not understand the situation when actually, she did. Both girls looked at each other and then directly at Zoe's slightly protruding stomach.

        "Okay fine. But you can't tell anyone else." Zoe caved into the pressure. "I'm pregnant. Sort of have been for about 3 months now." Kira gasped. Emily was trying to calculate how far back three months was on her fingers and when she figured out when that was, gasped as well.

        "How you could you hide the fact that you are carrying another living being inside of you without telling us?" Kira yelled.

        Zoe shushed her. "I told you be quiet, asshole! And I didn't want everyone to know since I was still in disbelief over the entire thing." Little did Zoe realize, that Emily had snuck upstairs and grabbed a spare megaphone that was lying around. Emily put obnoxious things like this all around the space they lived in.

        "Why hello everyone! I am Emily and I will be the biggest pain in the ass to none other than our very own leader Zoe!" Emily spoke into the megaphone. Everyone in the other room came out, confused on what was going on. "As you can probably see, right behind me in her right now!" Zoe was furious and ran up the stairs to chase Emily who was running around the circular upstairs, which looked down onto the living room below.

        This base was nicer than their old one. This one was newer and larger to accommodate the now more populated group. Since the ratio of boys to girls was now 4 to 6 (Katie lives at home with her parents since school just started up again and she has to finish her last year of high school), less people shared a room with each other.

Patrick had his own room in which he covered in lacrosse posters and neon lights. Peter and Ben shared, so that when Zoe and Kevin were doing "things" they wouldn't be interrupting anything.

Freyja and Grace still shared since they are just so close. Zoe and Emily shared too, but Zoe spent a majority of her nights in Kevin's bedroom, as they had been acting like quite the couple. Not that Emily minded having the room to herself on most nights. Kira and Mikayla were the only two who were new to rooming with each other. They are practically twins, liking all the same things and all.

But back to the current situation with Zoe, whom was chasing Emily (who still had the megaphone in her hands). They made two full laps around the upstairs before Emily dropped the annoying thing in her hands and ran down the stairs. Zoe almost caught up, but was two seconds too late to stop Emily from announcing the news.

She couldn't stop the words coming from the other girl's mouth but she can tackle her and beat her senseless. Everyone just watched their leader smack their second in command for about a minute before Kevin took his pregnant girlfriend off the still laughing girl on the floor. She had laughed through the entire thing.

Ben, while helping his girlfriend off the ground, asked "Do you get hurt just so you can get helped by me?" Kira made a gagging gesture to the overly cute couple while she had an arm around her by Peter Pan.

Zoe had taken Emily's card for the room during the fight and refused to give it back.

"Please Zoe?"


Kira laughed because this had reminded her of when she brought Peter back to the base for the first time a couple of months ago.

"But I have to ready for bed!"

"Too bad! You made your announcement I made mine." Zoe stomped away, key card in hand with, Kevin in tow.

"Here, you can take my bed tonight. I can sleep on the couch." Mikayla nicely offered up her key card for the room next door. Sometimes she is so nice it's annoying.

Emily took the card and thanked Mikayla a lot. They had gotten so close over the past few months that they were almost best friends. She walked over to Kira. "Roomie." She rubbed the card in her face. Kira had been thrilled that she wouldn't be sharing a room with her again when they first moved in here.

"Please kill me." Kira mentioned underneath her breath.

"That would be my pleasure," a voice said far away from that area in town.

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