Zoe screaming... (Chapter 21)

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Emily jumped out of bed immediately when she heard Zoe's scream. This doesn't happen much, so Emily's response was a bit slower than it would have been if she was in her prime or it was someone else's outburst she heard on the floor below her. She grabbed her gun, or the one she stole from Dave in the siege, and slid down the staircase railing in barely anything.

Yes, she was wearing clothes, but not much. She was wearing an over-sized band sweatshirt of Ben's and no pants. She gave up on trying to look good a while ago. When she was at the bottom of the stairs she saw Zoe alone lying a puddle of what looks to be water.

She threw her gun down and panicked as if Zoe was having her baby, instead of Kevin's. "Zoe are you okay? What's going on?" Zoe gave her the finger.

"I'm in labor idiot!" Emily looked like a deer caught in headlights. She failed their biology course in high school. Well she passed, but because Zoe did her homework for her. She had no idea how the whole birthing process went.

Freyja, Grace, Mikayla, and Patrick ran in from the workout room. None of them were as quick as Emily in speaking. "She's in labor! Get her something! I don't know what to do!" Mikayla's motherly caring attitude kicked in. "I can get the stuff. Looks too late to move her to the hospital, her water already broke. Em, only one person here has ever helped someone give birth..." She sends a look up to the room containing the person/people needed to help.

"Oh no." She immediately responded. Even though she had defended them against Kath's threat earlier, she is still mad.

"Em, I know you're still upset over the death of Ben," she cringed when Mikayla said his name "But Zoe's having her baby, like NOW. And Kevin isn't here at the moment. We need her help." Emily just huffed. She really didn't want to do this. But she had to, for Zoe's sake.

She stomped up the stairs in dramatic fashion. She knocked on the door because she had heard from Zoe about what she walked in and saw when she didn't. Kira answered the door right away.

"Emily. What do you want?" She crossed her arms. She hadn't been allowed out of her room because of what Emily said, so of course she's a bit bitter.

"Zoe is in labor downstairs. Bet you couldn't hear her screaming over the Mara things you were doing with Peter just now." She regained some of her old sass with her old friend when a shirtless Peter was available in the background.

Kira flushed right after Emily's accusation. "What we were doing is none of your concern!" Emily was about to tell her to forget about it and leave but Kira interrupted her thought. "Is Zoe going to be okay?"

"Well none of us know how to deliver a child. Mikayla said you could be of assistance." Emily scratched the back of her head. She couldn't believe she was asking the reason for her ex's death for help.

"I'll be right down. Is Mikayla getting supplies?" Kira's focus was on Zoe, not Emily. Emily nodded her head and ran back down the stairs.

Emily saw Patrick and Freyja, their two strongest members, moving Zoe onto blankets. Zoe's face was morphed in pain and it hurt Emily to see her best friend like that.

While Grace was trying to calm Zoe down, Mikayla paced over to Emily. "Well what did she say? Is she going to help?"

"Man am I effervescent to be out of my room." Kira's voice spoke out from behind them. She always liked using large vocabulary words because she wrote essays for fun. No one quite understood why.

"I don't really know what that means, but she's right over there." Emily stated, pointing to Zoe on the floor. She certainly was NOT an English major. She wrote for fun sometimes too, but not essays.

Kira walked up to Zoe and actually got a greeting out of the pregnant 20 year old in front of her. "Nice to see you too. Maybe not at this precise moment in your position but you know what I mean." They laugh.

"So what do I do now?" Emily asked, jumpy from her best friend's face writhed in pain. She hated to see her like this.

"I don't know. Watch the miracle of birth?" Emily jumped at the masculine voice behind her. She reached to her side to pull out her hand gun, only she wasn't wearing any pants so she dropped to the floor to pick up the gun she had earlier dropped and pointed it at him.

Everyone stopped what they were currently doing to look at what Emily was doing. Except Zoe, who was in labor. "Em, what is this for?" Peter asked her with his arms up.

"They told me what you did Peter Pan. I know what you did to Wendy." She held the gun steadily.

Peter seemed confused. "What did I do?" He asked her again. That is when the gun shot went off, the sound ringing throughout the entire base.

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