Chaos: again... (Chapter 22)

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Everyone ducked in fear of another gun shot. The origin of the shot was from a looming figure with a massive gun, also known as Dave.

Emily had dropped her gun to the floor yet again to cover her sensitive ears from the ringing. That was when she was grabbed and hit with the butt of a gun.

"Oh this will be fun." Kath whispered into her ear, pressing her gun up against Emily's body on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Peter slowly stood up protecting Kira while doing so. This got John somewhat mad, being that he never shows much emotion, it drove Dave insane. "Finally bothered there, Specs?"

"You would be too if the reason for both your siblings' deaths was standing right in front of you." John spoke with a tone of anger, something Katherine had never heard out of him before.

"Hold up. What are you talking about? I never murdered anyone." Peter was now up and shielding Kira from the enemies facing them with guns. Zoe took this moment to scream out; thus resulting in attention to abruptly be turned towards her.

"So the balloon finally popped?" Kath laughed with her gun still pinning Emily to the floor. "I could shoot Zoe. Make her realize what it's like to lose a best friend." This was just provoking Emily to try to push Katherine and her gun away only to have her press the barrel harder into her back.

"I will kill you the same way I killed Lexie." Emily stated very clearly to the person above her.

"Like the way you were about to kill Peter?" Katherine smiled a crocodile grin and looked up to the shocked group.

"I...I...I don't know." Emily allowed the fear to be sensed in her voice. Something she never lets happen.

Kira was always very aware of any situation she is in. Now especially. So when she saw Katherine flex her finger against the trigger of the gun she had quickly pointed at Zoe, she tackled Katherine to the ground before she could shoot. Emily noticed the sudden weight lifted off her and sprang into action.

"Mikayla, get Zoe and everyone out. I've got this!" Emily ordered, taking over the role of leader at this exact moment. Another thing she rarely let happen.

"You're not going through this alone!" Kira said in between punches. Emily had the common sense to pick up her gun for the third time and pointed it at John who looked as if he would murder the girl on top of his girlfriend.

Peter also had a trick up his sleeve. He didn't have a gun, but he did have a switchblade on him; because if he was ever captured, he had to be prepared. That's something his father taught him both him and his brother. The very father and the very brother who have been trying to kill him.

As Mikayla and crew were taking Zoe to another room so she wouldn't have to be in her current state in a situation like that, the fight was heating up as Peter went right for John who was taking his aim at Kira.

"You going to kill me too?" Peter had him in a choker hold. To which Peter responded "I didn't kill anyone."

John, who was taller than Peter, was struggling to breathe. "Michael died because of your girlfriend trying to save you. And after what you did to Wendy...she took her own life." Peter loosened his grip on the taller guy.

"What did I do to Wendy that was so horrible that she would kill herself?" Peter sounded like he didn't have any idea what he did to that girl.

"Three years ago there was a power outage, near the holidays. We saw you come in the house and head to her room. This was two weeks after you had broken up, so we were a bit confused. You left through the window and we never saw you again. She was PTSD about what you did, when you TOOK ADVANTAGE OF OUR SISTER." When John's voice cracked at the end, Peter let go.

"She killed herself?" Peter's voice dropped immensely. His eyes went dark and he looked like the 16 year old boy he was when he dated her.

"Yeah. Because of you." John spat, still trying to catch his breath.

"But I didn't do it. Are you sure it was me?" Peter shook his head in confusion.

"Yeah, it was you. Or someone that looked a lot like you." John cleaned his glasses off on his shirt, slightly impatient that he can't kill the boy. Peter looked to his right to where his brother was standing moments before. Not anymore.

"Dave." Peter huffed out. Dave was the person giving him a bad reputation.

Peter looked to his left to see Kath's limp body on the ground, bloody and bruised from when Kira attacked her. Except Kira and Emily were nowhere to be found.

This could only mean one thing. That Kira and Emily were with Dave. Dave fights dirty, even dirtier when sober. The girls have little chance.   

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