Chapter Eighteen - Explanations begin

Start from the beginning

I turned my attention to the TV, which Edward had turned up a little louder as everyone was slowly waking up, but could still feel Bella glaring at me. Which was only beginning to piss me off. Luckily, for her though, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie and Emmett came down about two minutes after she and Edward got here and he used his power to calm me down a bit. One of the only times I've ever been happy that he did that. Mainly because I didn't want to scare Danny if he happened to come down from his shower while I was pissed out at his sister. Although I'm wondering if he would be since he wasn't scared yesterday when I sort of tackled him to the floor while in wolf form. Honestly he seemed completely fine with it, if not calmer when he was under me. Now that I think about it, I hope it's because he's my imprint and he subconsciously feels safe around me. 

About ten minutes passed by the time I heard the shower upstairs turn off and by this time everyone was either awake or downstairs in the living room. Although Esme was still in the kitchen cleaning up the pans she used to make breakfast. I had already gotten my breakfast, which consisted of everything she made, hash browns, sausage, bacon, eggs and pancakes, and had fixed up Danny's plate. Much to Bella's distaste, not that I care. I didn't know what he would want so I got a bit of everything. I didn't get him as much as I got myself, but I got him more than Billy or Charlie got since I remembered how much he ate yesterday and was sure he would be pretty hungry. 

Everyone, who was eating, started eating and I set Danny's plate down on the coffee table so I could eat as well, but kept finding myself looking toward the stairs waiting for Danny to come down instead of actually eating. And of course Bella noticed and would glare at me every time I looked back at my plate. Fortunately I, finally, heard his soft footsteps coming down the stairs and whipped my head around to look at him. And I think I may have given myself whip lash by doing that, but I didn't care about the slight pain in my neck when I saw him at the bottom of the stairs. 

His hair was wet, but looked much better and healthier than it did before, and it clung to his face and some of the water was slowly dripping down onto the long sleeved shirt he was wearing. It was dark blue and VERY big on him. The bottom of it ended about two or three inches above his knees and the sleeves went passed his hand so you couldn't even see them. Which made him look even more adorable than before. Although that's an achievement. He was also wearing a pair of black jeans that he had rolled the legs up multiple times, but they still looked too big on him. He was holding a small bundle of clothes, which I guessed were the clothes he was wearing before by the look of them. "There you are, Danny." Bella said smiling brightly at him before glaring at me, again, as he continued to looked down at his, partially covered, feet. 

"Danny." I said after a little bit and he shook his head before looking up at me. "Your food." I said holding up his plate as I had picked it up when he got down to the bottom of the stairs. 

"Right." He said walking toward me, but stopped and looked down at the bundle in his arms. "Um...what do I do with these?" He asked holding up his arms a bit so everyone could see the bundle. Although I'm sure almost everyone had already seen it. 

"Here let me throw those out." Esme said walking over to him and took the bundle from him. But when she did, I watched as a bandage fell to the floor and almost everyone else had as well. 

"Danny, why did you take your bandages off." Bella asked standing up from the couch and rushed over to him. She stopped in front of him and neither me nor my feral side really wanted her that close to him. Even if she was his older sister. 

"Because I don't need them." He said softly as he looked up at her. 

"What do you mean you don't need them?" She asked somewhat harshly and I mentally growled not liking how she talked to him. Instead of answering her, Danny simply lifted up his left arm and pushed the sleeve back. My eyes widened slightly when I saw that his arm was completely smooth and didn't even have a scar. Although it reminded me of his feet yesterday when I got to Billy's house and he was asleep, but I never really looked at them as I was just glad he was safe. "How the hell did you heal so quickly?" She asked, angrily and I before I could jump up from the couch and attack her as she obviously scared Danny with her anger, Edward stepped in. 

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