4. Bittersweet Memories.

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I wake up to the sound of the bedroom window being rustled open and then I feel the hot and sticky wind on my skin.

"Mooooooom," I groan out with my groggy voice. I turn my whole body over onto my stomach, smothering my face into the pillow.

I look up at the nightstand to check the clock: 8:30 am. I only went to bed 3 and a half hours ago, ughhhh.

My mom is humming, what the heck. I turn on my cheek to side glance at her and she's practically skipping to the other window across the room. "Mom. Mom, why are you so...cheery?" When I lived with her, I was the one waking her up to start our days because she usually wakes up incredibly late.

"New town. New home. A fresh start, Brianna, a fresh start, and you're here and I'm excited, okay?" She squeals as she places her hands on her hips, staring down at me on the bed.

My mother has always been this way. She moves around to different states and a couple times she's even moved to a different country. One reason because she loves to travel, that's where I get that from. Another reason is because her work is online-based, so she has the freedom. But the main reason is because she follows "heart and vibes". She thinks instinctively and if the place she's living doesn't have the good aura that it had when she moved there, then she'll pack up and start all over. I know she gets sad sometimes because she makes friends and then has to leave. But I think the excitement and the "vibes" keep her going and doing what she loves.

It's amazing how she chooses a new place to live. She is literally the craziest person I know, but with the most beautiful soul. She puts down a map, whether it's North America or Asia or so on, and she spins a couple times and closes her eyes and puts her finger down. She goes in the general area of where her finger lands and it's the worst thing I've ever seen. I mean, it's crazy! She has serious balls, I don't know if I could fully commit to that. But it works for her and she's my mother, so she has my full support.

I close my eyes again, wishing for sleep, when my mom tugs on my foot from under the covers. "B, wake up! I have a full day planned for us." She puts each of my toes between her index finger and thumb, pinching each little piggy, "And why do you always have such cold feet? Oh my goodness, you need to wear socks 24/7, they're freezing!" She gasps.

"They've always been this way, but I get too warm with socks." I chuckle out, the sensation of her hands tickling me. "So, what are these wondrous plans you speak of?" I ask her.

She sits on the end of the bed, playing with the comforter, "Welllll, we're going to go uptown for shopping and I've booked us some massages." She looks up at me, a big smile on her face.

"Massages? I thought we were unpacking and decorating and all that stuff." I ask curiously. What is she up to?

She looks down to the comforter again, her hand finds my leg and she rubs up and down, very sweet and motherly of her. "Well, I know you've been working a lot, and your work is so exhausting. So I figured since I have you for a little while at least, I'll treat you to some spa days, let you relax a little." She is the sweetest human being ever.

I love my mother so much, we've always been close. She was young when she gave birth to me, and she looks even younger at 38. She always calls us sisters when we're in public, which is believable because she looks young and we look somewhat alike.

"Awww, mama, you're so sweet." I cry out, wrapping my arms around her small body, going in for a big hug.

I feel awake now, knowing that a relaxing day lies ahead. Massages are seriously my favorite thing in the whole world, whether someone is lazily running their fingers across my arms or back or even playing with my hair. The sensation of touch is amazing, soft and sensual or rough and stress-relieving.

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