Chapter 1.

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Our new house looked calming. Couldn't wait to explore that place. Haven't visited Miami since I was five
I decided to call my cousin, Taylor. She's probably the best cousin ever. Though I haven't seen her for really long time but we've been skype-calling and stuff. I wanted to see her already. But I had to help my mom first.


After my mom and I had finished unpacking our stuff, I called Taylor.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, Taylor!"

"Katie? Oh my god is that you?" She sounded excited as ever.

"Girl, calm down." I said laughing. "Yes it's me. Do you have plans today? I have to see you!" I said emphasizing the have.

"Yes! I mean no, I don't have any plans today" and I was just laughing at her.

"Okay I'm coming over."

"Can't wait!" And we hung up.


We just spent the day in watching movies and playing video and other stuff. We were going shopping to have some outfits for school. I was quite nervous about going to a new school. That was not a something that we should be interested in. But I'd try to make this year better than the last one.


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