chapter 14

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As soon as I got to a phone I called the police. "Hello what's the emergency" the operator asked. "Please help me. I don't know what to do they're coming back and they're gonna kill me. Please help me." I cried into the phone. "Okay ma'am I'm gonna need you to calm down I'm having this phone tracked so I can get your location. The police are on their way." The woman said. "Do you have any injuries?" The woman asked. "Tons" I cried.
"I'm gonna send an ambulance too they should be there in 10 minutes hun."

The guys still weren't back. It's been seven minutes. I called Jaime. The phone rung for a bit but he soon picked up. "Hello" he asked with concern in his voice. "Hi Jaime" I said softly.  "Heather! Where are you what happened?!?!" Jaime practically yelled.   "I don't know, I don't know when I'll be back either. Please help me Jaime I don't know where I am but please just know that I love you and whatever happens is gonna happen." I heard sirens "the police are here" I whispered into the phone I assume Jaime heard what was going on because he started saying something but I couldn't make it out. There was loud banging on a shoot I assumed the front door. I accidentally hung up on Jaime and screamed add loud as I could, I slammed on the door that locked me up.

I heard the police and rescue people making their way in, so something told me to pound on the door harder even though there where burnes. They soon made their way upstairs. "I'm gonna need you to move away from the door so we can pull it out." I did as the man instructed and they started breaking down the door so they could get in.

Afterward one of the men have me a blanket to cover up in. The ambulance people took me away on a stretcher and cleaned me up a bit. The first person that got called to meet me at the hospital was Jaime. He arrived pretty quickly.

As soon as he saw me he stopped in his tracks. "heather, oh god" Jaime said under his breath as he was looking at the room. After all the room was filled with x rays and monitors, notes about my situation and medication.

Jaime quickly rushed to my side and kissed me on the lips. By this point I was already crying and sniffling. Jaime reached over to give me a hug. It crippled me, I let a squeal of pain out triggering Jaime. "Oh shit I'm sorry" Jaime apologized holding my thickly bandaged hand in his.

"What happened to your hands" Jaime asked, while examining my thickly bandaged hands. "Nothing it's fine Jaime" I reassured well I tried to reassure. "Heather what happened" Jaime asked I knew he didn't believe my answer. The only things I told him were about my hands, if I told him about anything else I don't know what to expect.

After I told him about my hands he tensed up, he looked so serious and angry. "Who did this to you" Jaime demanded. "I can't tell" I sheepishly responded "you can tell me anything though" Jaime cooed. "I can't this time, they're gonna kill me." I cried. Jaime rubbed my shoulders for support but I don't think he liked it. "Oh my god, have you been eating" Jaime sorta harshly asked. I shook my head and let the tears continue falling. "I'm sorry I probably shouldnt've -" Jaime said "no no it's fine but to answer your question no"

Jaime's plan was to hang with me until they let me go. "Can I ask you a question" Jaime asked, I nodded my head signaling he could. "What did that do to you the night they took you." Jaime asked nervously. I don't know what to say, I didn't want to bring back those painful memories.

As my lips trembled I told Jaime everything that happened. Seriously everything... Everything that they did to me. But I didn't say anybody's name. Jaime looked disgusted, in me. I think he thinks of me as a slut. He won't want to be with me afterwards. Jaime started pacing which was making me nervous and sad. I don't know what to expect right now. As he came closer to me, I kinda got nervous and tensed up. What's he gonna do to me. "Heather I need you to tell me who did this to you. Because this isn't right, you need to let me help you. I love you too much to have something happen to you." Jaime's eyes were puffy and red.

"Jaime if I could tell you I would but I can't. I'm sorry". I apologized "please tell me I want to help you". Jaime begged while holding my hand in his.

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