chapter 6

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Jaime shook me once he realized I was awake. "Hey hey hey don't cry babe don't cry" Jaime said. "You just had a nightmare it's okay" Jaime reassured. I sniffled and hugged Jaime as tight as I could and then... He hugged me back. He looked down at me and I looked at him and our lips connected. Then I hugged him and held him close.
Jaime's pov
I wish this didn't have to happen. The most beautiful girl in the world is crying and I don't know how to help. Heather soon asked why I'm in a relationship with a monster. How does she think of herself like that it's sad. When she was calmed down enough she told me about the dream she had.
Vic's pov
You know when they say that friends look out for friends, I'm just trying to help heather honestly. Jaime does act childish and we are always away. I'm not trying to down on their happiness. "Hey Vic" kellin said entering the room with Mike. "What's up" Mike said then sat next to me. "Uh nothin I have to talk to heather later so that may not go so well."

Mike then looked at kellin who looked interested and then back at me. "Why are you guys sharing looks. Do you know what happened?" I asked. "What happened" kellin asked. I didn't want to say this because I knew heather and kellin just broke up. "Heather and Jaime are in a relationship." As soon as I said that kellins face changed even the color. "That must explain why Jaime was on top of her while they were making out." Kellin said. That was weird how long have they been going out? "Whoa when was this?" I asked. "The day we all got together here" kellin spoke. They've been keeping this a secret from us....
Heathers pov
It was already way later and Jaime was taking a nap. When he woke up we just started talking about weird shit. And then "so when do you want to go on a date." Jaime asked. "When do you want to?" I responded. Jaime shook his head "what about next weekend?" He asked again. "Sure works for me."

A few hours later we were in the living room, making out. Jaime licked the bottom of my lips and begged for entrance. I let him in and we fought but it was nice though.

Moments later I received a call from an unknown number.....

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