My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 20

Start from the beginning

She had compared him to THEM! The people who he hated most in his life. She had classed him as one of THEM!

It hurt to see her question him like that, not trusting him. It hurt his ego. His pride. His whole existence.

If you had been completely truthful about who you were then she wouldn't have questioned you like this, one part of Arnav's brain told him.

But then the other part thought, that still doesn't mean she had to distrust me. Being my friend as she had claimed, she should have trusted me. But she didn't.

All Arnav felt was pain. And frustration at himself for letting this happen.

He didn't want to feel! He needed a distraction!

He looked around his cabin; his eyes finally settling on the table filled with work he had missed out on in the past few weeks.

He rushed to the table, and buried himself with work. Trying to forget.

That day was an awful day for many employees. Arnav was barking orders into the phone, yelling for the smallest mistakes and throwing his wrath at many people for their carelessness.

ASR had always been known for his ruthlessness when it came to business, BUT only when it came down to it. He was known as the best businessman of India for a reason. He wasn't impulsive and he never made decisions based on feelings - not that he really had many feelings before because they were all buried but I'm sure you guys get the point. ASR takes his decisions with a calm and calculative mind. However, at the same time if one of his employees make even the smallest mistake, he makes sure they get a severe punishment.

But today, he was shouting at pretty much everyone and everything. No one had ever seen ASR this way. Normally he was dangerous only if you make a mistake. But today, it was like he was ready to burn anything and anyone who comes into his hands.

That day ASR stayed in his cabin until 9pm, way after office hours. In fact the office was basically empty. He just didn't want to stop working. Because he knew, if he did then all he would be able think of would be Khushi's words.

But he knew he had to go back up now. Their friendship may or may not exist anymore but his responsibility still remained. She was down there all alone - he knew she was safe there but she hadn't eaten anything since lunch. And he wasn't going to let her starve. Even though he had brought in groceries into the penthouse earlier on in the day, he doubted she would have cooked anything for herself.

He called in Akash, who was also still in the office. Akash was a really loyal and sincere worker of AR Designs. He always stayed at office until Arnav did if Arnav decides to stay in late.

Akash had been there with Arnav right from the start when Arnav first started off his business. When Arnav first met Akash, he found him as a graduate who was not only jobless, but also homeless.

Akash was from quite a poor family who gave everything they could just to get Akash educated. And eventually Akash graduated with a degree in business, fulfilling his parents' dream. But unfortunately his parents died soon after and Akash was still unemployed because of his lack of work experience. He had no money as his poor family hadn't been able to save anything for him and he got kicked out of the house his family had been living in. This led him onto the streets.

By the third day, he was starving and he fainted while crossing the road. Had it not been for Arnav who pulled him out of the way just in time, he probably would have died.

Arnav took care of him, provided him with food and allowed him to stay with himself in the tiny rented room he had lived in at the time. After getting to know about Akash in the first few days, Arnav asked Akash whether he wanted to help with his budding business and Akash had accepted the offer immediately.

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