My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 11

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"Khushi believe me when I say that, that is how Dadi always has been and there is nothing we can do about it. Some things have gone too far to be altered now Khushi. This is how it always has been in this house and it is too late to change it - both the habits and the people. So stop trying," Arnav told her bluntly, in a stern voice, but he took care not to be rude to her - he definitely didn't want a repeat of what happened this morning.

Khushi knew that there wasn't anything she could do at that moment to change Arnav, and there was no way she was going to go to Dadi and speak to her about this - no sane person would go and lay themselves in front of a starving lion. Yes Khushi was crazy, but she was in no way insane enough to go and speak to Dadi at this point of time.

Arnav and Khushi made their way downstairs and then Arnav sat down at the head of the table. Khushi didn't sit down - she chose to serve Arnav before serving herself. After all it was the first time she had cooked for him, and she really wanted to see his reaction. She'd made aloo parathas and paneer curry for dinner, and she had no idea whether he would like it or not...

Arnav was watching Khushi intently as she was serving him. He could see that she was nervous, but why he had no idea. He saw her lay out the aloo parathas on his plate along with the paneer curry. He waited for her to sit down, but she just stood there looking at him expectantly.

He told her to sit down and eat so that they could eat together. She sat down and hurriedly served herself, so that he could start eating and she could hear his comments on her food.

They both turned to their food with Khushi picking at her food slowly without eating, and looking at Arnav closely to see his reaction after having the first bite.

Arnav froze after he finished the first morsel of food. Tears started to form in his eyes as the food tasted exactly like the food that SHE used to make. It had been so long since he had even tasted his food, because nothing was the same after SHE was gone.

His mum used to make aloo paratha and paneer for him, knowing that paneer was his favourite. According to Arnav, his mum was the best cook in the world. That was not just because she had amazing cookery skills - even though that was one part of it of course - but also because she used to make the food with so much love. With each bite he used to be able to feel the care, love and effort she used to put into the food. After she was gone however, nothing ever tasted the same. In fact food had come become tasteless - even paneer, which used to be his favourite had become bland for him. Food had just become a daily chore.

But now, tasting Khushi's hand-made food, all his mother's memories came flooding back to him. Emotions choked his throat, rendering him speechless.

On the other hand, Khushi was panicking seeing the sheen of tears in his eyes. Did she end up putting too much spice in the curry? "Hey Devi Maiyya! I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed standing up, diverting Arnav's attention to her, completely unknown to the inner turmoil that Arnav was facing. "Hume maaf kar deejye!(Please forgive me!) I'm so so sorry! I must have put in too much spice - I'm so sorry!" apologised Khushi, feeling horrible for doing this to Arnav.

She hastily poured water into a glass and was about to give it to Arnav when he told her to stop by gesturing with his palm facing her.

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