Chapter 21 - Grandfather

Start from the beginning

"Huh? Yeah, I am your father."

Naruto was shocked. All those years of dreaming who his father is or how he looks like were answered.

"Forth Hokage!" The fox growled again. "Come here! I'll rip you to shreds!"

"Well if that's the case, I think I will remain here."

Naruto was still looking at him in shock.

"How about we go somewhere else?"

Minato snapped his fingers and the scenery chaged.

"The Third didn't tell you much of anything, did he? I guess he wanted to surpress as much information about the Nine Tails as possible. If people found out you were my son, you'd have been in danger."

"Dad..." Naruto said while Minato was surprised and left off guard when his son called him dad.

Then Naruto punched Minato in the stomach.


"DO YOU KNOW WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH BECAUSE OF THAT?! All the grown-ups looked at me with contempt... And I couldn't make any friends. I WANTED PEOPLE TO ACCEPT ME, so I trained really hard to become strong. Then I met Iruka-sensei, Kakashi-sensei and Pervy Sage...-"

"And I was happy becuse they helped make me get stronger! But before of that, a group called the Akatsuki came after me, so I had to train even more harder then before. I got to be even stronger, but the Akatsuki still killed my friends. But.. huh? What am I saying? Damn it, am I suppose to be happy or mad? I don't even know, dattebayo!" Naruto begin to cry.

Minato smiled.

"Naruto, tell me, how old are you?"

"Sixteen." Naruto replied.

"Wow... You're already sixteen years old, huh? It must have been hard for you... I'm sorry Naruto. I suppose after putting my own son through so much... I have no right to act like a father and apologize." Minato said.

"It's alright.... I'm the son of the Forth Hokage. I can handle it." Naruto said while Minato smiled at him.

"I sealed half of the Nine Tails chakra inside of you, because I believe you could control its power." Naruto was surpired after hearing that.

"And there is a reason why I did this... When the Nine Tails attacked the village sixteen years ago, I learned something."


Minato had a more serious face now.

"There was a mastermind who manipulated the Nine Tails to attack the village."


"A powerful ninja at that. I would require a special kind of power to go up against such an oppenent. I believe he will attack our village again."

"But Konoha was already been destroyed."

"Yes... I watch from inside your mind."

"You watched?!

"I know about Jiraiya Sensei too."

"So was it Pein who used the Nine Tails to attack the village before?"

"No... It wasn't him."

"Then who was it dattebayo?!"

"One of the Akatsuki. The one with the mask."

"Back then... He read thorugh every single move I made. He's no ordinary ninja. This man is probaly just using Pein."

"No! Pein had a grudge agains Konoha. He said, long ago, his village was wiped out just like ours!"

"That's right. Because of that hatred, he is being used."

"Used? Someone as strong as him?! And what about this mastermind masked ninja? Why is everybody attacking Konoha?"

"Perhaps as long as there is this ninja sistem in this world, there can be no peace. Pein questioned you about peace, but finding the answer is difficult. In order to save something dear... wars are waged. As long as there is love in this world there will be also hatred. And someone will take advantage of that hatred. This monster known as hatred will not die while there is still this ninja system. It will give birth to more Peins. It was Pein who killed Jiraiya Sensei but apon careful though, it can be said that this chaotic world of ninja, which gave birth of Pein, is equally guilty. To be a ninja is to confront hatred. Each of one of us battles hatred. Jiraiya Sensei trusted you to find a way to end this hatred."

"Still, I can't forgive Pein! There is no way I can forgive him."

"I know..."

"Forth, please tell me... what should I do?"

"You must find the answer yourself. I do not have the answer."

"If Pervy Sage and you didn't know the answer , how should I know it? Everyone excepts to much, dattebayo! I'm not smart. And I'm not a great ninja. And-" He was cut off my Mianto who placed his hand on top of his head.

"I knok you'll find the answer. I believe in you!" Minato smiled at him.

"You really do?"

"Well, after all, a parent duty is to unconditionally believe in his child."

Naruto smiled. He remembered his relashion with his son.

"Now that I think about it... Boruto was it?" Minato smiled.

"Y-yeah." Naruto blushed.

"My son became a father huh? I guess that makes me a grandfather, right?"

"Hehe, I guess."

"I saw Kushina in Hinata."


"You'll find out who it is."

"She really loved you. I'm happy for you, son." Minato said.

Then he looked at his hands. They started to fade.

"I fear that my chakra is fading."

"No, don't go!"

"I will redo the seal now. But this will be the last time."


"And the village can be rebuild. I belive in you, Naruto!"

Hey guys! So here the chapter that you guys wanted for a long time but I was a bitch about so I said that you have to wait for it.

Thank you for commenting last chapters!

Also thank you for 5k! Omg! I found out about it last day went I was on wattpad.

Thank u for reading, voting and commenting! It helps a lot the story and me!

Thank you!

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