My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

And I knew that there was only one person who I could thank for this. But where is he? I don't know why but I felt so anxious without him here with me. I don't know when it happened but somewhere along the line I'd subconsciously made him my personal saviour and maybe – just maybe something more too. It's funny because only a few hours ago I'd doubted this man, but at the same time, within a few minutes or hours, I don't know, he'd become a necessity for me. The room felt too empty without him in it...

"Has she woken up?" a voice asked from the door. As I turned to see the owner of the voice my eyes met a pair of caramel orbs.

And I was lost again. What was it about those eyes that made so addictive? I could gaze into them all day and not get bored. I could reside in their warmth all my life. I wanted to say so much to him but it was like he could understand my every thought. When I wanted to convey my apologies for misunderstanding him, his eyes accepted them. When I wanted to express my gratitude for everything he'd done for me, his eyes became even softer than before – if that was even possible. For my every silent question his eyes had an answer.

We were both lost in each others' eyes when the sound of footsteps interrupted us. Di walked towards Arnavji putting her hand on his arm saying, "She's woken up and she's feeling a lot better than before." I don't know why, but to me she seemed to look so stiff all of a sudden. Then she turned to me and asked, "haina Khushi?(Right Khushi?)" while smiling kindly at me. I nodded in response, smiling slightly. Ok I'm pretty sure I imagined that stiffening up part. This sweet girl was not capable of showing any negative emotions.

After Arnavji thanked Di, she smiled back sweetly – maybe too sweetly – and then left the room. I don't know why but that gesture of hers made my heart tighten just a little. Could it be that these two were together? I felt like my heart was going to break into pieces all of a sudden. But when I saw that Arnavji took a small step away from Sheetal with a neutral face, I consoled myself that I was imagining things. The warm look was no longer there, replaced by a blank look.

When he spoke to Sheetal he never had that look on him. Maybe he saved that look for me, my heart told me. Somehow the thought of him giving that look to any other girl, hurt me. But that was stupid. To him I was probably just another case. Just another passing cloud in his life which he won't even look back at.

"Khushi Kumari Gupta, how could you feel possessive of a guy who you just met?" I berated myself silently. "Khushi tumhe yeh kya hogaya hai? Jiji sahi kehti hai. Bilkul pagal ho tum! (Khushi what's happened to you. Your sister is right. You're absolutely crazy!)" I scolded myself.

"Do you always have to mutter to yourself?" he asked all of a sudden, giving me that 'you are so weird' look again.

"Voh... voh... bachpanse aadath hai. Badhal nahi sakthe, (Um... Um... it's a childhood habit. Can't change it)" I replied. He looked away shaking his head slightly with a 'what have I got into?' look. I pouted that. What could I do? This is how I am and I couldn't change it.

A loud grumbling sound interrupted both our thoughts, with Arnavji swiftly taking out his gun, looking around, and ready to shoot at the opponent. "Voh–" I started, but was cut off as he shushed me, looking around seriously, trying to figure out where the sound came from. "Nahi voh– (No it's–)" I started again but he gestured me to stop with his hand again. Urrrgh, why couldn't this guy just listen to me?!

"Arre suniye tho!!! (Please listen!!!)" I shouted. That caught his attention. "Voh...that was my stomach rumbling," I mumbled quickly, my words coming out in a rush. I could feel myself going red in embarrassment.

At first the words didn't sink into him, but then he looked at me with clenched jaws. For a second I thought that he was angry. But then I saw a tiny smile fighting to form on his lips. I could tell he was trying to keep the smile off his face but his eyes were filled with mirth. I smiled widely at him, my embarrassment forgotten in the feeling of having achieved something beyond limits.

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