Chapter 24

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Althea held the warm pizza box in her hand as she headed back for the lair. She somehow had to sneak back to her apartment, pack a bag and head for Shanghai in less than 24 hours. She knew exactly how Raph was going to take this but it had to be done. She eased her and the pizza down the man hole but before she could touch the ground two large hands swooped her up. "Where the shell have you been?"

"Hey calm down", she said to Raph as he arrived her all the way back to the lair. "I'm perfectly calm", he said giving her leg a little squeeze. "Oh Thea, you bought pizza!", Mikey said as they entered. "Why are you up?", she asked seeing that he, Leo, Donnie AND Splinter were all awake. "Oh Raph freaked because you were gone and we were about to go look for you", Mikey said plopping down on the couch. "Well I'm fine and you can put me down", she said jumping down from his arms. She placed the pizza box down on the counter and grabbed 2 slices before Mikey grabbed the whole box for himself. "You guys can go back to bed." She waddled into Raphael's room and sat up on his bed. "You can't just go missing like that and not leave a note Thea", he said standing in the doorway. "I'm sorry. You could have called me. My phone isn't here", she said motioning to the night stand. "Yeah but when it's the middle of the night and I flip over and I don't feel you next to me, I'm not thinking about your phone on the nightstand", he said taking a seat next to her. "Just promise me, you won't run off again", he said bringing her face close to his. "Well I'd agree to that but I need to go somewhere tomorrow and I'll be gone for a few days", she said closing her eyes. He was silent for a few moments before she opened her eyes. "I'm only going to ask once. Where are you going?", he asked calmly. She could tell that it was taking everything in him not to completely pummel her right then and there. "I have to go on a trip for my parents", she said plainly. She knew she couldn't tell him where she was going but hopefully he'd understand. She could see the glisten of anger in his eyes as he got up. "Out", he said forcefully. "What?", she asked quietly. "I'm not saying it again. Get out. Until you can learn to trust me, I want nothing to do with you. Now Get OUT." Thea had never seen him this angry before. "Can we just talk about this?", she asked frantically. "No, I don't want to see your face until you can solve whatever trust issue you have out. I know you're secretive and stuff but it's getting ridiculous. I don't care if it had to do with your dead parents, I need you to trust me. Thea I love you. I've never loved anything or anyone as much as I love you but you need to let your guard down. I'm not the enemy here!" The tears burned her face at every word. "Well if that's how you feel", she said trying to collect herself. She grabbed her bag and her house keys and fled the scene. "Thea what's wrong?", Mikey asked noticing the frantic look on her face. She said nothing as she walked past him and out of the lair. She didn't stop until she was standing right outside of her old apartment. Maintenance must have noticed the window was broken because it was completely fixed. Tears had stained her eyes from the walk from the lair. "Thea! Where have you been. I've been worried sick", said one of the many front doormen Chris. "I'm fine Chris, just been a hard week", she said wiping her eye again. "Well go up and get some sleep. Sleep always clears the mind", he said giving her a hopeful smile. "I just hope you're right."

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