A lovely little place.

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Ok, I'm reminding you now, this is my universe so no saying that what's about to happen would never happen or the Doctor wouldn't do it. My universe; my rules!


She gasped as she took in the sight. Pink leaved trees lined the round feild with a deliciously clear blue river running over a pebbly creek bed to their right. There was a large,  rocky but moss covered cliff face which connected to the river with a roaring waterfall. The sun sparkled through the mist of the falls and the breeze ruffled through the pink leaves almost soundlessly, in time with the rippling of the dark,  ankle high, green grass. The smells of nature were wonderful, no pollution to taint the wonderful air that birds were flying freely through. The breeze felt warm and inviting as Clara turned towards the Doctor with a large smile. 

"Wow." She said, her voice echoed the awe that shone in her brown eyes.

He smiled "Not compared to you"

Her smile somehow became bigger as she took in where they were and what her Doctor had just said. "Thank you."

He took her hand gently and led her into a small, hidden opening just beside the water fall. Once in, the roar of the falls had decreased and Clara could hear the rhythmic dripping of water off the  shimmering stalactites. The walls were illuminated with small (electric?) lights which didn't have to be there since the glowworms gave off plenty of light, and some crude drawings could be seen clearly. The drawing depicted what looked like a large, circle vortex which children would walk into and in blasts, of what Clara assumed was light, adults came out and joined the families in the place of the children.

"This is the only place of my home world that was left untouched during the timewar." He explained as if he were a father explaining something to his child. "The beginning of the Timelords was, in legend, here, in this very cavern. I've never known why, no one did, but this place holds some sort of power which keeps it alive and indestructible."

"It's magic." She said leaning into him.

"I suppose so." He agree'd calmly. He was calmer than usual, not an angry calm but a happy, relaxed, calm that confused Clara. He was usually so jumpy, raring to go, ready for everything. 

"It's nice here. I like it." She nodded to herself.

The Doctor pulled away, only slightly but enough for Clara to notice. He had thought this over five times already but thought it was time. He straightened up a bit then, gently, put a hand under Clara's chin and tilted her head up so he could kiss her, on the lips. He waited a second and looked into her eyes, she knew what he was about to do but was confused and he could see that but he kissed her anyways. He closed his eyes when their lips touched and lingered for just seconds before lifting off her lips. He cleared his throat and said a quick sorry before turning his head and blushing.

Clara had barely begun to reciprocate the kiss when he ended it. "You better be." She said flirtatiously. "You didn't even let me kiss you back."


That went well. The Doctor thought to himself before straightening his bowtie. Clara hadn't slapped him and he found out his true feelings for her. He loved her. With all off his hearts. Clara had also admitted to ('Maybe, partially liking him') a bit more than she wanted him to know. When they had finally traveled out of the cavern, the Doctor was explaining Gallifreyan history, they set up a picnic and were now eating a variety of things the TARDIS had supplied them  with. It was all rather nice and the sun would soon set.


The sun set in a red to gold then blue pattern and left the two people laying on the blanket they had spread out. Animals could be heard but nothing came to greet them and the sky's stars twinkled peacefully. The warm breeze had cooled and left only popping back in every coulpe of hours to remind them it was there. The moon was closer than Earths and certainly a bit more green but, as the Doctor explained, its greenness was a result of the timewar. It was peaceful and so relaxing, Clara felt as if she could fall asleep right where she was. Right next to the Doctor's warm, steady breathing body. She sighed as her eyes drifted closed and fell into a calm slumber

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