Cast off

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"I hate you." The Doctor joked as he, once again, lost monopoly

"No you don't." She smiled. For his massive intellect he sure didn't strategize well.

"Maybe I do." He replied turning his head and smiling by accident.

"I found the wrench." She responded laughing. "I can hide it."

"You wouldn't." He faked a gasp.

"I would." She played along


"And a sexy genius."


The Doctor was finally, after two weeks, able to take off his cast. He wasn't too happy to not be able to wear his trousers and had had to wear shorts instead. Clara had laughed at his bright blue shorts mixed with a dress shirt, suit jacket and bowtie.

Today however, he was back in his usual ensemble. He wobbled unsteadily on his unused leg at first but was now back to his dizzying balance and flailing grace. His first move, after putting his trousers on, was to pull Clara into a bear-hug and pull her off her feet.

"Happy are we?" She asked when she was back on the ground. 

"Lets go somewhere!" His boyish  enthusiasm lit up the room

"Where to?" She questioned. There must be millions, if not infinite places to go.

He hummed in thought but soon spoke, even then it wasn't helpful. "I know."

Clara followed as he dashed into the control room and began running around the console like a madman. What he was doing looked random but Clara knew it wasn't. The whoosh of the TARDIS began and Clara looped her arms around the rail. When the TARDIS landed the Doctor spoke. "Close your eyes."

"Down boy." She said adding a once over to make him fluster a bit.

"Not like that!" He mission was fulfilled as he noticed her elevator eyes. "Close your eyes."

"Fine." She replied shutting her eyes tightly. She soon felt the Doctor's hands on her shoulders, leading her.

Once out of the TARDIS Clara could feel a warm breeze on her skin and heard the roar of what could be a waterfall judging by the light mist she felt on her cheek. Where are we? She asked herself and began thinking of all the places on Earth that they could be but was interrupted by the whisper of the Doctor's voice.


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