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"Well, that was nice!" The Doctor said when he and Clara were in the TARDIS.

"Yes Doctor. Being chased by Daleks is nice." She replied sarcastically. She wasn't too happy that twice in a row they had encountered Daleks. For some reason she just didn't like them, it was more than hate. It felt like they had somehow hurt her in another life.

"Sorry." He responded shifting nervously. "I didn't know there would be Daleks."

"I hope you know there's more than one way to get a girl to hold your hand." 

"What? No, shut up!" He blushed. 

"You my big chinned friend are easy to embarrass."

"Stop taking things out of context."

"I don't think I am."

"Yes, you are."

"I really don't think so."

"You are."

"I've seen your diary."

"How did you- No! How much did you read?" He panicked patting his pockets. It wasn't there.

"So you do have a diary." She smiled mischievously.

He pouted and looked away like a child.

"And judging from your panicking...." She mumbled just loud enough for him to hear.

"Centuries of writing are in that book. Of course I panicked." He replied trying to sound logical while not looking at her. If he looked he would lose to her.

"Right Doctor. I'll have to find your diary sometime." She grinned and left. She had his diary already, it was in her jacket, she just hadn't read it yet. 

The Doctor stood in silence. He did't have his book, it held all his secrets, and his name. He couldn't let anyone know his name.


Sorry, this was a crappy update. I just felt so bad about how little I did last time. I need ideas but I can't think up any good ones. ERGH! I just feel so bad about it. Well, if you guys/gals want to help I'll give you credit. Please? I need help.

Voting also motivates me, as well as commenting. It gets me to put my butt in gear and write. 

Bowties and scarves,


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