Where to go?

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"Where to now Chinny?" Clara asked happily.

"Well, we could always go to Turk-Nazir. Lovely place, it's a level five planet like earth. Or we could see Gethto, bit cold but there's no inhabitants to kill us. Or Ym, tropical, vibrant, nice breezes, only problem  is that the natives hate the color purple." He replied just as happily

"Well, a level five, nah. You're wearing purple and it suits you so not Ym. I guess we get to be cold." She smiled "I'll go get my jacket."

The Doctor watched as she ran off. Gethto it was. He ran around the console pulling levers and switches. Hopefully they wouldn't get put in vats of poison this time.


Hey guys/gals,

Thought I might upload something. It's not to big well, It's way too small but that's not the point. This is as far as I'll be getting with my writers block and I thought it would be better to put something rather than nothing. Also, thanks for all the reads fellow whovians. I could kiss every single one of you but I don't like kissing, so a hug and a jammy dodger. I love you people!

Bowties and scarves,


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