Truth or Dare?

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I know, a bit cliche but well, I don't care. Wait, no, I care about your opinion but I just thought that it'd be cool for this fanfic to have a game, even if it's cliche. :P So, yeh, I have about 5 (including this one.) chapters to upload. I hope you like them. Feel free to critique me, it makes me very happy when I see comments and votes. It's not a warm fuzzy feelings since well, how does one even feel fuzzy or warm emotionally but it does make me very happy and happy makes me write more.

Bowties and scarves,



"Yes, many times. Why?" He asked after swallowing a large bite of stuffing.

"Just  wondering. We'll have to play it sometime." She answered thinking of all the questions she could ask if he chose dare.


"Truth." He said once again.

"What is you favorite flower?" Clara asked. For the main part of the game the Doctor had kept choosing truth, big scaredy cat, and Clara had been asking very normal, impersonal questions.

"I like roses." He answered easily. "Truth or dare?"

"Definitely, dare." She replied. She had come to the conclusion that the Doctor was horrible at making up dares.

 "Ugh." He groaned putting a thinking face on. She chose this on purpose. "Do the weird foot over knee yoga pose you humans seem to like to do."

 She rolled her eyes and did it easily. Sitting with her feet  each on the opposite knee she asked the standard question and got the predicted answer. "Do you /like/ anyone?"

"It's possible." He replied avoiding the answer.

The game carried on for another few minutes, both coming up with bad dares and questions. Then Clara thought it was time for another question. "Who do you like?"

"I never said I liked anyone." He answered yet again avoiding her question and, possibly, the answer.

"You never said you didn't." She countered easily.

"I like many people. Humans, Sontarans, Silurians, even a Dalek, she's dead though."

The dead Dalek surprised Clara but not enough to stop what she said next. "Wrong context."

"You said like, not love, or want in a loving way." He responded grinning at his use of the loophole.

She rolled her eyes with a smile. It would be nice to have that wrench now, and use it on his head. Not too hard, just enough to  ruffle his floopy hair and stop it from defying gravity so easily. She yawned quietly.


"Kinda." She stood up and stretched.

"Night." He rose with her and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead before going to look for the wrench.

"Night." She responded then went to her insanely comfortable bed and fell asleep. 

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