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  • Dedicated to All the bowties in the world

It had been a week since Clara and the Doctor had gone on an adventure. Clara had been unconcious for a day after eating some strange Ahkatenian food and the Doctor was acting like a mother hen over her.  Today he finally gave in to her wish and they were to go to Paris for new years, a destination he had chosen himself without telling Clara.

"We're hear." He called into the hall her room was in.

"Where is hear?" She asked walking out in her usual red outfit. Red handbag, redish dress, yet she had a black coat. The Doctor liked it a bit too much.

"You're gonna be warm?" He asked raising an eyebrow still being a mother hen.

"Of course I am, besides if I get cold I can just get you to keep me warm." She replied flirtasiously

"Er-I- Oh, shut-up!" His usual response to her flirting set in and he blushed

She smiled mischeviously walking past him near the doors "Where to?"

 "Close your eyes."

She closed her eyes obediently letting him lead her out of the TARDIS. She could hear people shouting. "5! 4! 3!" 

"Open your eyes." He whispered close to her ear.

She opened her eyes just as one was shouted. Fireworks flew into the sky filling it with dazzling arrays of blues, reds, purples, whites, oranges, and every other color. Each explosion accentuating the Eifel tower before them.

"Wow." She was in awe.

The Doctor smiled waiting until the show was done to speak. "Dinner?" He asked holding out his hand

"You have money?" She asked taking his hand.

"I have something much better." He led her into the TARDIS and into a large theater like room which resembled a french restaurant. "I have a TARDIS."

The walls were lit with candles on the walls and tables while virtual people and waiters walked around the room, sitting at tables, dancing in the dark to the small band on the stage, talking to others. It was just like an posh restaurant.

They were led to a small booth to the side by a waiter.

"Who are you and what did you do with the real Doctor?" Clara asked  gazing around the room

"Nothing, I'm just apologizing for not taking you on an adventure for a week." He replied leaning into his booth.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say this was a date."

"What!" He bolted upright. "I- Wha? I"

Clara raised a brow.

"Shut up!" He blushed


I leave it there because my creative juices have evaporated.

Bowties and scarve,


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