Chapter: 8

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Cursing to herself, Shadow squirmed to break free from the ropes. The person threw another set of ropes around her hands, she was then dragged deeper into the shadows.

There she was pushed up against a wall. "Ow watch it!" She gasped, as her kidnapper held her hands above Shadow's head.

"I thinks it's about time I get some answers around here." Robin breathed into her ear.

"Gladly!" Shadow said with a smirk as she untied the knot to her binds; she then kicked Robin in the gut and summer salted out of the was.

"How about this..." She stepped onto the training platform, and it lit up. 'Awesome!' Shadow thought.

"Man your stronger than you look!" Said Robin as he spun around.

"You win, I tell you one of my secrets. But if I win, oh, then you tell me yours."

"Deal." Robin said as he attacked Shadow.

After a bit of malee, it seemed like no one would win. They we're both amazing fighters, every time Robin swung at Shadow just simply dodge or counter. But of course it wouldn't be a fight if Robin didn't his hits.

"That's the best you got, Bird Boy?!" Shadow mocked as she jumped off the floor, and went to kick Robin on the jaw. But he was it coming, he shot a rope at her leg. And he then swung her around a few times before throwing her into a wall.

Shadow yelped in pain as everything began to go black.

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