chapter 10

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Woohyun's pov

The school holidays in on! I'm so excited cuz we, the eight heird will spend our time together. "Oppa, are you really that excited? " Jiae asked. "Of course I am! " I linked our arms. "Appa said that we're going to Jeju island." Hoya said. We clapped our hands. "Can I invite Jieun too? " she asked Gyu hyung. "Anything you wished. " Gyu hyung ruffles her hair. She walked away from us to call Jieun.

I walk over to Gyu hyung . "You really took a good care of her hyung " I tapped Sunggyu hyung's shoulder. "It's my responsible Hyun-ah. I know both of my parents sometime didn't recognize that Jiae needs more than what they can give . I'm scared that she might think that no one loves her. In that case, I give more attention towards her. L know that too. I saw how hurt she is back then when she lost both of her parents. I don't want to return that hurt to her ever again. " he said.

"Lucky for me, L understand that and trying to make her happy too. We just can't lost her Hyun-ah " Gyu hyung said a lil bit worried. I look at Jiae who were on call with Jieun. She gave a bright smile toward us. She came approached us with pouted.


Hoya's pov

I look at Jiae . Her face was dull. "Jiae-ah " I nudging her who seat beside me. "Uhm oppa? " she turn her head to me. "Smile. We're going on a holiday not a funeral sissy-ah " I chuckled.

"But it isn't the same without Jieun. " she crossed her arms. "It's okay, we'll take her with us later oe. I'll make sure appa approve it or Gyu hyung will " L motioning me to take a sit at his place while he's taking my place.
"Jiae-ah, be happy oe. We're going on a holiday. We call Jieun later okay " Dongwoo said. She's smile again. That makes we all smile too.

"Dae oppa " she yawned. A few minutes later, she drove to neverland.

L's pov

She landed her head to Sungyeol's shoulder. I'm about to lay her head on my shoulder but Sungyeol mouthed 'let her be'. I'm impressed. I look at the others. They were smiling brightly when looking at Sungyeol and Jiae. Hi Hi sad heart is open again. At last.

Sungyeol's pov

Looking at her sleeping face really makes my day. Without I'm noticing, I'm smiling myself. Sungjong nudged me " you're changed " he smile. 'I don't ' I mouthed. Actually I'm not. I'm not change . Just a lil. It is bcuz Jiae is one of us right. Nothing more.

"You are " Dongwoo hyung spoke softly not wanting Jiae to wake up. "I'm not opening my heart to anyone " I whispered. Me too don't wanna wake her up. "Soon you'll realize it " Sunggyu hyung said while Woohyun hyung supporting him. I shooked my head lightly. I look to my big brother. He crossed his arms and smiling. I shrugged it off.

I look back at Jiae. Is it true? I've open my heart again?


Jiae's pov

"Rise and shine, sunshine!! " Hyun oppa shout making me yawned and head out from the limo. My jawsdropped when I saw the sceneries of Jeju. I blinked my eyes repeatedly. Wondering around. "We arrived dear " Hyun oppa sequeled. "This is the place? " I asked. Unbelievable!

"Yeah, thid place is private. Only for the four families. Actually for us, the eight heirs." Hoya oppa came from nowhere tugged in my hairs to the back of my ears. "Daebak " my mouth hanged. "Let's get inside " Gyu oppa piggyback me. "Oppa " I chuckled upon seeing his cheesy side. "Myungmyung!" I shout L's name.

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