chapter 9

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Sungyeol's pov

I look through the tent.Myungsoo's in there. Still taking a good care of his cousin. "L-ah " I soften my voice. He look at me with his concern eyes. "Still awake? " he asked. "Can't sleep tho. " I look at the pale one who's laying on the bed. "She's beautiful right? Even she's sick " L said while changing the towel that wrapped Jiae's forehead. I just nodded in agreement. Not wanting to admit it whilr she's sleeping.

"Hey, how about you go get some sleep, while I can take a look on her tonight " I tapped his shoulder. Motioning him to get up. "Is that okay? " he asked. "Just go get some rest flower boy. I know you're tired already " I gave him a manly smile. He got up and look through my eyes deeply. "You're changed." He whispered. I look back at him as he walked away with a big smile on his face. Then I look back at the figure who's laying on the bed.
I took a sit next to her bed. I admire her face. L's right. Even she's in a sick condition, she's still a goddess. I slowly stood up, stood near her bed and caress strain of her hair and her cheeks. How she's breathing, the thin lips of her, pure white fair skin, long eyelashes,and her long straight hair really send me a shivers, I felt sparkles even she's still sick. "You're really a something Kim Jiae "


Sunggyu's pov

"What's happening? Tell me the whole story. Myungsoo? Sungyeol? Jieun? " I asked as soon as the four of them got back from the camping trip. Jiae is sick. I'm worried to death! I told Woohyun and Sungjong to take a good care of Jiae at her room while I have an unbusiness with this three. Sungyeol told me everything while Myungsoo and Jieun hung their head down.

I look at the three of them then I look at the watch. "Jieun, it's late now. Stay here until tomorrow. The boy are staying here also. Myungsoo, walk Jieun to our guest room " I said. When Jieun and L had walked away, I look at Sungyeol. "Mian hyung. I should took a good care of her more after this " he said. He's face look serious tho.

"You're doing a good job dongsaeng-ah " I tapped his shoulder and walk away. I headed to Jiae's room. Well, our parents is not at home. Their on a business trip at Malaysia. I heard Woohyun,Sungjong and Jiae's laughed softly. I knocked the door.

I walk in and their eyes landed on me. "Woohyun-ah, Sungjong-ah, go get some rest. I'll look after her. " I motioning them too get up and walk to their room. They just nodded and kiss Jiae on the cheeks for a goodnight greeting bfor walked out.

"I miss you oppa " she stood up and hugged me. "I miss you too sis. Look at you, you're sick! I'm so worried bout you " I ruffles her hair slowly. She giggled bfor I motioned her to sat at her bed. Me too. "I'll stay here to look after you " I touch her forehead. "Ahhh oppa. I'm alright now, no need to " she whined. "I'm insist. You're still sick tho " I hug her shoulder. "Dae oppa " she sighed.

I ran to the kitchen when our maid ask me what I need and I told her that I need a bacin of cold water and a towel for Jiae.

I ran back to her room just to find she's sleeping soundlessly. I shooked my head slowly while entered. I caressed her hair and put the towel on top of her forehead. I switch of the lamp and sit beside her bed resting my head on it and held her wrist.


Dongwoo's pov

"Did hyung got mad towards you? " I asked Sungyeol as he step in the room. He dozing off as soon as he lay down on the queen size bed ignoring my questions. I shooked my head slightly.


No one's pov

The Infinite walk in the school hall with Jiae. They look so cool. The crowd even gave them the path and staring at them with admire. "Let's break up" Sunggyu as the leader spoke and kiss Jiae's hair bfor walking off from the group with Dongwoo, Hoya and Woohyun waving at Jiae childishly. "Gtg hyungs, noona. See you on the recess oe" Sungjong walked off and bid his goodbye. Jiae locking her arms with Myungsoo and Sungyeol making other girls felt a tingly jealousy but what can they do? They can't harm Jiae cuz she's one of them. The powerfull kids in the school. If anyone lay a finger on her, Sunggyu will run after them and their parents can shooed them away from that respective school. More worst, all of the Infinite will make them suffer too.

Jieun crossed her arms while waiting for them. And then, Jieun saw them. Jiae run to her and hug her tight bfor entering the class.


Myungsoo's pov

I walked to Jiae. "Hyung said you should come with us today " I nudging her. "I can't leave Jieun alone when recess time." She's pouted. "We can bring her too " Sungyeol came and popping out his idea. "No need to. I can go to the library " Jieun shooked her head. "No way. For the first time, I agreed with this crazy namja's idea " Jiae insist. "Yah, I'm being nice " Sungyeol said glaring at Jiae.

"Yeah Jieun. They're right. You should come. I bet hyung agreed too " I gave her a warm smile . There's a slight pink showed at both of her cheeks. I found it adorable. Soon all of us heading out from the class and all of our members are all waiting for us.

"Hyung is it okay for Jieun hang out with us today? " I asking my brother. "Of course it is. She's Jiae's friend anyway. " Gyu hyung tapped my shoulder while looking at Jiae. "Is there anything happened back there sissy? " he asked Jiae who walking forward beside him leaving Jieun with Domgwoo hyung who went spoke with her.

"Anni oppa. Wae? " Jiae tighten her bangs. "Ahh, just asking. We should giving more attention on you lil sissy " Gyu hyung smile so manly. Jiae smiling widely and went to kiss him at the cheek.

"Only him? " Woohyun hyung got cheesy. "Aigoo " she went off to the others and pecked a kiss on each of our cheek. The last and only Lee Sungyeol. I found she's blushing bfor kissed Sungyeol's cheek. But then, Sungyeol blushed too.

After that Jiae walked with Jieun and Sungjong infront of us as we entered the cafetaria to buy something. Many eyes eyeing us especially Jieun who walk with us right now. We heard some of the students were saying bad things about Jieun. 'Shameless' 'did she ever recognize herself?Ugly creature'
'Stupid bitch, how come she thinks she can walk with them'

I can't bear with it and grabbed Jieun's wrist and ask permission from Gyu hyung to wait them at the hide spot. Lucky for us, hyung let us go with his genuine smile same to Jiae.

I dragged Jieun away from there. "Waeyo? " she's dumbfounded. "Don't you hear it? They talk bad about you " I said. "Ignore them. They didn't do anything to me. I'm used to it L-ah. Besides,what more do I want? I have Jiae as my family. That's more than enough " she chuckled. I just assuring her a genuine smile.

If only you my feelings Jieun-ah. You're the best thing ever happened in my life.


Jiae's pov

I took a sit next to Jieun and past her meal. "Gumawo twin " she giggled. "Dae. " I grinned. "Where's mine? " L asked. "This yours " Sungyeol past him. Sungyeol took a sit next to me. I look at him. More like glaring. "Wae? " he asked while munching his food. "Chew your food without talking " I adviced.

He giggled upon hearing that? Aishhh. "Are you two in item right now? " all of us look at Sungjong. Silent came. "What?" He felt confiused. "Micheosseo?! " me and Sungyeol said together. I look at Sungyeol. Sungyeol look at me.

Hoya's pov

Jiae look at Sungyeol. Sungyeol look at Jiae. And they start quarelling again. Thanked to the maknae. "Look at what you have done maknae " Woohyun sighed . Sunggyu hyung and start to hit him. "Pabo " Dongwoo said. Jieun and L just giggled seeing the cat and dog fighting against themself.

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